Saturday, October 5, 2013

European Car

European CarEuropean Car is a magazine full of eye candy. Lots of German and Italian uber-exotics grace its pages. While that's great, and it's enjoyable to read about such cars, EC has lost many subscribers due to its loss of focus on the more attainable European cars out there. The pages used to be full of VW, BMW, Audi and Porsche project cars that were all within reach of your average Joe with a taste for something other than the basic Camaro or Mustang. Many used Euro cars are very cheap and easy to get into for those that would otherwise not be able to buy a new car of the same make. I'd hoped that the focus on these cars would become more intense when Les Bidrawn took over as editor a few years back. Unfortunately, it appeared to me that that's when things really seemed to go downhill. I let my subscription lapse and can't see picking it back up unless the mag undergoes a major transformation. So if you're into top dollar, unattainable by all but the very few, exotic European cars, this is your mag. But if you are someone who just likes your basic European offerings and is looking for support and inspiration, you stand a good chance of being disappointed.

You can tell the editors are enjoying themselves writing about the cars and culture they love, and this makes for a fun read. You won't find tired cliches that seem to run rampant in other, larger auto magazines, like "an over-eager right foot." Lots of cool and highly customized cars to dream about, and plenty of useful features for enthusiasts on a budget.

Buy European Car Now

This is a pretty decent magazine with well written articles on euro cars. I'll probably renew this one for years to come.

Read Best Reviews of European Car Here

Didn't have a lot of what I wanted and I now have no need for magazines whatsoever. No point in waiting when I can just read what I need online.

Want European Car Discount?

I was very disappointed in this magazine, the title led me to believe that it would cover "European" cars, in other words cars that you would like to see in America, but are only sold in Europe or other parts of the world. This magazine however seems to think that the only cars worth covering are BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Audi and VW. What about the French, Italian, Swedish or British cars? What about cars sold in Eastern Europe? It seemed all European car did was take the articles produced by other car magazine and just repackaged them with a few more pictures. Very disappointed in this Magazine.

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