Thursday, October 3, 2013

NYLON (1-year auto-renewal)

NYLONI first picked up a copy of Nylon in Chicago, while browsing the newsstands. I wasn't sure if I would like it--years of subscribing to Vogue, Elle, and some stupid tweeny magazines had almost put me off magazine-reading for good. And yet I always manage to be drawn to the racks.

Nylon was different from the get go. They always feature unknowns on the cover, and when, on occassion, a well-known celebrity is featured, the stories give us a new perspective on them.

Nylon is worth purchasing for the layout in itself. I could spend hours paging through each feature, marveling at the graphics, and the way the magazine is put together. I love how they base some of the beauty section on famous movies or bands.

Nylon also makes a point of covering bands, movies, and fashion designers that, until now, have remained obscure. Everything they feature is amazing--most of the music they recommend ends up on my Amazon wishlist!

I would highly recommend Nylon to anyone and everyone. This obscure magazine will stun you with its amazing artistic layout, and introduce you to new products you may have never discovered.

I got this free the other day and I've been having a hard time getting through it. Expensive fashion and makeup, with some articles on music that focus on the band members' preference for skinny jeans. British cosmetic brands they wish were available here? Hotels with great spas? I'm not sure who the target audience is.

Buy NYLON (1-year auto-renewal) Now

After reading a few of these I realized that Nylon is just a rich hipster kid reference manual.

Read Best Reviews of NYLON (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I decided to subscribe to this mag after one of my faves, Amber Tamblyn started writing a monthly column. Offbeat and never boring, Nylon brings you all the stuff that the other "fashion" rags skip over. Written for smart, web-savvy readers who want to know more than where to buy the next up and coming handbag. With a lot of collage-type pictorials, you'll never be bored. A lot of vintage stuff as well; "background checks" are great. Many web references for you to surf to as well. Defiantely a thinking-gals guide to fashion, media and music.

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PRO: Nylon is a visual feast. Just looking through it is highly stimulating and inspiring from a design/artistic point of view. The lay-out is clean, fresh, and unique. There is a big emphasis on indie/alternative art, film, music, fashion, and literature. I found Nylon through a long internet search for an intelligent, artistic womens' mag, and it is just that.

CONS: NY-LON stands for New York and London respectively, which gives one a big hint about the target audience. Heh heh. I live in middle America, and I don't have access to the kind of brands, restaurants, bars, shops, etc. so touted by this magazine. One issue was exclusively centered around London... yeah, I can really relate. Not. Magazines like Seventeen are MUCH better about featuring merchandise and content applicable to females of every socio-economic background and location.

IN CONCLUSION: In my opinion, the positives highly outweigh the negatives. I don't regret subscribing. I always love getting my Nylon in the mail. Get this magazine if you want to subscribe to a girl magazine, but you don't want to go the usual cosmo, vogue, 17 route.

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