Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sporting Classics

Sporting ClassicsIf you like the writings of Robert Ruark, Gene Hill, or Gordon MacQuarrie, you'll love this magazine. It contains stories about fishing and hunting and is a real throwback to when America loved the sporting life. There are typically a dozen stories about deer hunting, duck hunting, big game hunting, fly fishing, deep sea fishing, firearms, and a host of other related subjects. One thing that I love about this magazine is that the stories encompass a wide range of hunting and fishing experiences. There are simple tales of duck or deer hunts or small-stream trout fishing in which I could do/participate in myself, lots of tales of hunting and fishing as a youth learning life's lessons, and some stories about safaris for big game and other worldwide type hunts that most of us can only dream about. The quality of the writing varies over a wide range, some stories much better than others, but all are worth reading. This magazine has sort of an elitist aura around it, and many of the advertisements are for very expensive firearms or guided hunting and fishing trips to exotic locals that I'll never be able to afford. If that is your thing, great, if not, so what? I wouldn't let this prevent you from subscribing if you like outdoors stories. America seems to have largely forgotten our sportsman's heritage and the literature of Ruark and his contemporaries disdained by an ignorant masses. This magazine is the antidote. A copy or two of this magazine given to an anti-gun fanatic may help to explain to them the allure of hunting, the outdoors, conservation, respect for the land and the animals, and gun ownership. A great magazine, I wish there was more like this available.

I couldn't agree more with Utah Blaine's review. My only problem with this publication is the depressed feeling I get as I reach the last page, knowing I'll have to wait another 8 weeks to enjoy it again. If you really enjoy outdoor writing (not hook-and-bullet, horn-and-fish porn) read the big three...Gray's, Sporting Classics and Shooting Sportsman.

Buy Sporting Classics Now

I love this magazine and that is why I subscribed to it. BUT, in an email I was told that it would be 12 to 14 weeks before the first issue arrived. THAT'S A LONG TIME TO WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read Best Reviews of Sporting Classics Here

really liked the magazine, the articles and the pictures are just what I want to read about, and get "lost" in. l look forward to seeing the next issues each quarter.

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