Wednesday, October 9, 2013


OnfitnessAfter searching for quite some time for a fitness magazine which was not a men's magazine masquerading in disguise I was pleased to find OnFitness.

The information in OnFitness is high quality and addresses a wide variety of topics (i.e., information about fitness and well-being for children, women who are pregnant, people who are aging and so on have appeared in recent issues).

While the magazine is not as thick as other health magazines it also has a fraction of the advertising space found in many other fitness magazines (so page for page you get more out of it).

I highly reccomend this magazine to anyone wanting to get accurate and useful information about fitness. This is one health magazine that you do not need to feel embarrased having it lay around and at the same time that you can use.

This has to be the best fitness magazine ever. This covers everything. I found it to be an irreplaceable training companion. The editorial staff does a fabulous job of getting the information to you in a readable format. I felt that I could truly believe (for once) and trust the information that I was reading. No fluffy rambling and bad workout routines and neither is it stuffed full of advertising from unscrupulous advertisers.

Great to see the independent publishers striking out on what is a highly dominated market to bring the reader a legible, intelligent read.

Finally a fitness publication gets it right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buy Onfitness Now

If you are tired of the typical fitness magazines filled with 90%advertising and 10% credible fitness information then you'll like OnFitness magazine. You'll find yourself reading EVERY page of the magazine rather than flipping through pages and pages of advertisements. It's not a cheap subscription though. For the price, we should get 12 issues rather than 6, however, I still prefer this magazine over any other fitness magazine.

Read Best Reviews of Onfitness Here

OnFitness Magazine, on first glance, is a flashy magazine with graphics and a lot of content. However, when you open it up and start reading, you'll see most of the content is just blurbs or short summaries of content that can be found elsewhere. It is the Readers Digest of fitness magazines, with some added computer generated graphics.

The publisher is also extremely customer unfriendly. Their twitter and Facebook pages are generally nothing more than spam links back to the subscription page. Obviously, that is OK on occasion, but why bother even posting when every tweet and message is a spam link back to the subscription page of their website. Don't expect anything from their website either, as the technology is years old and there is no content.

As an indication of how customer unfriendly they are, I send a polite tweet and suggested they occasionally link to some content (articles, authors, studies, etc.) to get a few more than 180 followers (pathetic for a national magazine). They responded by blocking me apparently the Twitter account is managed by a teenage intern with a poor attitude and zero sense about social media. They claim to have a "higher standard of fitness journalism," and "no hype" but they have shown that the people behind the scenes are the opposite and are on the lower end of journalism (and pride and marketing sense).

Just think about it a magazine that has not caught on has a Twitter and FB account, and rather than use them to invite people to review and discuss actual content, it is used by someone only as spam links and to block the few followers because they had the nerve to suggest using twitter to an advantage. If they don't have basic common sense to use social media in this age, other than their own personal snits, why trust them for any other content?

If you see this in the gym, certainly pick it up. However, if you want to pay, first take a look at the Twitter feed for something like Mens Health or other magazines. You'll get more free content in 2 days than OnFitness has in their magazine (yes, you have to filter some fluff). I see many of the reviews are several years ago, but now there is no reason to pay money to get content you can already get immediately, for free. There are no workout plans, etc., that other magazines include. If you follow a few fitness sources on twitter (and add in Dr. Eades, Dr. Taube, maybe even Jillian or Oz), you are getting the content you need.

In short, the publishers are years behind the times, unfriendly to customers and subscribers, and their obviously limited marketing talents are not a good sign for handing over a premium price for a subscription and risking them tanking.

Want Onfitness Discount?

There is something for everyone here. This fabulous magazine combines cutting edge information about nutrition, cardio, and resistance training. I tried to "casually" read it but found there was so much useful information on just a few pages that I practically needed to take notes. So this is NOT the kind of magazine you look at but then put down and can't remember what you read. There are many practical "take aways" that can be used immediately. The information is backed by research, comprehensive, relevant, and extremely helpful. Includes basic scientific info but not so detailed that your eyes will glaze over. So glad that I found this new periodical -it is my new favorite by far. Highly recommended!

1 comment:

  1. There is no reason full price for a magazine anymore.....
