Saturday, December 28, 2013

Grit - National Edition

Grit - National EditionGrit is one of my favorite bimonthly country living magazines. It's a magazine that celebrates the rural community. There are always a wonderful variety of articles. Just some of the article subjects are on gardening, fruit growing, food preservation, farm lifestyle, tips on farming & animal caretaking, cooking and short stories. One of my favorite sections of Grit is the 'Looking For...' section, where readers send in requests looking for pen pals, patterns, food recipes or anything else they are looking for. The advertisements don't swamp out the features, so that's a plus as well.

I love Grit and I'd recommend it to anyone.

With so much trash out there these days, it's refreshing to read "Grit" magazine. It has down home country articles... for example: articles about firewood, farm animals, farm equipment articles,uplifting stories.

A pleasant magazine.

Buy Grit - National Edition Now

A family magazine with good values and valuable information. This magazine is a joy to read and is WHOLESOME, what you rarely find in magazines today. It is a wise investment. Thank You Grit for making a product I'm happy to have on my shelves.

Read Best Reviews of Grit - National Edition Here

I bought this as a gift and they love it! They are very much into the country lifestyle so this magazine was perfect for them. It has great articles about farming, livestock, recipes, and much more.

Want Grit - National Edition Discount?

If you are looking for back to basics this is the primer magazine for you. It provides nice, small, manageable articles to give you a taste of the simple, basic way of living. A stress free, pleasant read, informative, and a delight.

Save 70% Off

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