Friday, December 20, 2013

Retro Gamer

Retro GamerAwesome title from the UK, but for American and Canadian subscribers go to the official retro gamer site and enter the promo code: CLASSIC for the discounted price of £50.00 or $77.31 in US dollars.

This magazine is incredible. Just be warned this is a magazine about old school games and systems.If you love older games, get this mag. It is really expensive but it comes from the UK. They have a lot of great interviews with game designers and game creators. The also go in depth on old systems like Amiga, Coleco, NES, Vectrex. The only thing is sometimes there prices for products is in pounds instead of dollars. Every issue in the back has a list of all the old systems and what they are currently going for in pounds and dollars. So if there's a old system your looking for this section is awesome. I can not say enough good about this mag. Do yourself a favor and pick up an issue if you can find one at your local retailer. And relive the glory day now gone.

Buy Retro Gamer Now

I won't waste your time with pointless babble...

Retro Gamer is a truly remarkable piece of video game history. If you play games from yesteryear, then there is absolutely no reason you should

not have an ongoing subscription to this incredible mag.

Just the fact that it exists is a testament to the fact that you NEED this mag in your collection. It will undoubtedly become rare and valuable over the

years, as video game journalism is a hot commodity.

5 stars. Remarkable!

Read Best Reviews of Retro Gamer Here

This is absolutely the best gaming mag out there. If you are a fan of classic and retro gaming, this is the book to get! Jam packed with great articles, reviews of games with a retro slant, and just overall great writing. I look forward to each and every issue. I subscribe to all current gaming mags too, but this one has a special place on my bookshelf. No mag in the US comes close! You can find subscriptions cheaper elsewhere and even find coupon codes, so shop around. You wont be disappointed!

Want Retro Gamer Discount?

If you call yourself a true gamer, then look no further than Retro Gamer! In this day and age where we can easily find information on the internet about a hobby we all love, this magazine keeps its loyal followers by providing a high quality product from the first page to the last page (content and magazine material). Time and time again they have provided excellent interviews with people in the know and breakdowns of collecting for specific game systems and game series. Also look out for their special release publications that focus on various topics of interest, but go further within the details of the subject.

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