I recently purchased this magazine for my 3 year old daughter and she loves it. Every night she exclaims, "Mommy please read my turtle!" The stories in it are just right for her. I think it is a great magazine for little ones.

My 5 and 7 year-old boys love this magazine. It has wonderful stories and activities! I'm going to get Jack and Jill for my 7 year-old.
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I got the subscription addressed to my 3 and 1 yr old girls. The 3 yr old got a kick out of receiving mail in her name. I looked through the issue and was not immediately impressed but only because I was judging the magazine from an adult perspective and the girls seemed to lose interest as soon as the effect of receiving mail wore off and Dora, Diego and Yo gabba gabba called for their attention from the TV. It was not until a few days after receiving our first issue of Turtle that I soon realized its literary value and how it can and does compete with the extra sensory overload often found in children's programming. As soon as we settled in for the night I sat with Amelie, the 3 yr old. Angeline, the 1 yr old, was feverish and had succumbed to the effects of a sleep inducing dose of children's pain reliever/fever reducer. I decided to entertain Amelie while mom kept an eye on Angeline (actually mom ordered me to entertain Amelie). I, myself, was tired of tv and was catching up on my current issue of Mental Floss (another great mag I highly recommend) when it dawned on me that perhaps Amelie would entertain the idea of reading her magazine with dad. I made the suggestion, she agreed, but with a hint of skepticism, at least with as much skepticism as a 3 yr old can muster. As soon as we delved into that magazine Amelie was hooked and I, seeing the magazine in a different light, was completely amazed and very impressed. This is our first issue but I'm assuming that Turtle's format is consistent considering their demographic. The magazine has poems with simple rhyme schemes so Amelie quickly picked up on those. There is a Turtle story that continues throughout the magazine. I thought that was interesting because the story is presented in comic book form, it starts on one page and continues several pages later, in between there are pages with games, puzzles, poems, then the story continues followed by pictures of kids with their pets which they send in to be published; I understand pictures can be submitted online. This was way cool for us since the place where we live does not allow pets. We had fun looking at all the pictures of kids who do have pets. There was even a page that was almost blank except for a frame. I thought, "great! I just paid for a subscription that includes blank pages, a ream of paper would have been cheaper." As it turns out the semi-blank page is for creative drawings that you can submit along with a thumbnail picture of the "artist" and it might get published in the next issue of Turtle. Needless to say, Amelie and I had fun looking at the drawings submitted and the pictures of their corresponding artists. Guess who can't wait to make a drawing and have it submitted, Amelie. The clincher for me, as a parent, was that the tv was off the whole time we were into the magazine and when we were done Amelie asked me to read it again. We saved the drawing and coloring parts so that Angeline could share in that as soon as she feels better. I highly recommend this magazine for pre-school aged children and their parents. I know I'm looking forward to reading it again tonight. The price of the subscription is very reasonable but Amelie's reaction is priceless.
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My 2.5 year old adores this magazine. First off, she loves to receive her own magazine in the mail, just like Mommy and Daddy, but the fun doesn't end there! There are new, age-appropriate stories in every issue, fun crafts to do on rainy days and pictures that she will look through again and again. We sent in a picture of her with her cat and it even appeared in an issue....boy did she love that! We have Turtle magazine stored by her bed and in the car. It is always a good time for Turtle and we love exploring it together!
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My little granddaughter adores Turtle--and its sister magazine, Humpty Dumpty, too. Whenever her new issues arrive, she ends up carrying them around with her for days. The bright, colorful artwork draws her in and the fun stories and games keep her entertained. I definitely recommend this magazine.
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