Monday, December 2, 2013

Vanity Fair July 2007 Africa Issue, Chris Rock/ Maya Angelou Cover

Vanity Fair July 2007 Africa Issue, Chris Rock/ Maya Angelou CoverI regret that I didn't buy the issue with Chris Rock and Maya Angelou on the cover. I picked up the one with Jay-Z on it because I was trying to figure out who the light-skinned lady was: hey, Alicia Keys. I knew what these two had in common and low and behold, I saw the word Africa at the bottom. Even though I enjoyed the different covers, I don't understand why Bush and Condoleeza were on there at all; doesn't he have have an oil war to finish and her shoe shopping during a national crisis should be about now, right?

Enough with my political opinions. I have to give much respect for this magazine for covering such a huge issue, especially in the Motherland. I am enjoying reading the historical issues in Africa, as well as what is being done about the HIV/AIDS situation. But, my review this round is about that fool Chris Rock. I was having the worst day on the planet at work today, and I browsed through this magazine on lunch figuring I should read about someone who's really going through something. I flipped to the page with his article on "The Ugly African American" and laughed hysterically through the whole thing. My pod thought I was losing my mind but I made copies of Chris's article so they could read it too and they fell out laughing. I copied that article and passed it out to my buddies at work and they copied it and so on and so forth. Only Chris Rock could make such a serious subject seem so hilarious, and he still made sure it was informative. When he said he snatched the lollipop, my stomach hurt. I love him! Absolutely love him!

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