Thursday, January 16, 2014

In These Times

In These TimesVery informative magazine that scrutinizes a wide variety of political topics and current affairs, from American homeland to the remotest jungles abroad, all with their own unique perspective and viewpoint that runs moderate to left.

The writing and topics are engaging, current, and well researched and the editors not afraid to call things as they see fit.

Put down the Cosmo for later, and read a few articles you won't find on the TV mainstream news. after all.. knowlege is power.

If you are looking for an informative monthly on the left In These Times (ITT) offers thought-provoking commentary and articles that are pithy but not skimpy (a characteristic I sometimes find of the weekly The Nation).

Most importantly, ITT reports on labor every issue, an important component of the left, that is often neglected by other magazines of the left.

In These Times is a magazine that may be harder to find in a library. If you are interested, I suggest first visiting their website which allows you to read portions of the current magazine without paying anything.

The price for the magazine is very reasonable, and I personally find the magazine content more diverse and interesting than The Progressive.

Buy In These Times Now

Definitely an interesting read, no matter what you think about the points of view expressed. Good magazine to read on a cold night.

Read Best Reviews of In These Times Here

My fiance got me a subscription for my bday (I asked four it) and I love this magazine. It is very informative and covers a lot of issues. The magazine contains a great balance of different issues from different places. I like to read the articles about world news because I see less and less of that in the main stream media. Enjoy this wonderful magazine!

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I just finished my first issue and am not so crazy about it. I consider myself pretty liberal, but this is waaayy left of where I'm at. It's not that I disagree with any of the positions the magazine takes, its just that it is very slanted in its opinion (and it is pretty much ALL opinion) and seems targeted toward people who are active activists. I like to be informed, but I prefer to hear all sides of an issue so I can make an informed decision. I was hoping for a news magazine that goes a little more in depth than, say, Time Magazine. But this doesn't seem so much a news magazine as it is a progressive/liberal opinion magazine. It is well written, but not what I was hoping for.

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