Monday, January 6, 2014

Militaer Und Geschichte

Militaer Und GeschichteThis is an excellent German military history magazine. It is written in German and there are 6 issues per year. Each magazine has 50 pages. The topics cover all global military topices, but with focus on Germany and Europe. Majority of topics are about WW2, WW1, Prussia, and European military history.

Example topics are: Stalingrad, Operation Barbarossa, Battle of Waterloo, Sinking of the Bismarck, Kamikaze, Operation Desert Storm, German Unification Wars 1864-1871, Pocket of Falaise, Battle of Verdun, Joan of Arc, Battle of Sewastopol 1942, Battle of Cambrai 1917, The Seven-Year War of Fredrick the Great, The Red Baron, Sparta, Battle in the Alps 1915-1918, General Guderian, Kursk 1943, D-Day, Blitzkrieg, Battle of Koeniggraetz 1866, Kreta 1941, etc.

A few of these magazines come with a DVD (so far 3 of the issues had a DVD with a documentation movie included). So far (Nov 2011) there have been 54 issues and 2 special editions.

There is one main topic in each magazine which covers around 1/3 of the magazine, while the rest of the articles are shorter. The magazine is easy to read, has great maps and photos.

While this is of course not a deep dive into a specific topic, it is a good summary and also a perfect introduction into historical topics and afterwards readers can then look for more in depth literature if they want to learn more about a speicfic topic.

This magazine also covers many battles and topics which are barely known, e.g. the German Farmer Wars in the 16th century, war in the Alps 1915-1918 (with DVD), the Battle of Lueneburg 1813 (first battle won by German forces against Napolean) etc.

It is in German and therefore German language skills are required to enjoy this magazine. I love to take it on business trips, since it is an easy read for the airplane.

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