Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Where to Retire (1-year auto-renewal)

Where to RetireI'm not sure how much use the average person would get out of this magazine. It is sort of nice to read if you are dreaming about retiring, but the actual information is more extensive and useful on the internet. Try instead and save the $18 for six issues of advertisements. If you are looking for retirement communities, it might be worth subscribing or just buying one issue at the news stand.

I was hoping for more in-depth articles than what I got here. The towns listed were mostly resort-types, and there was far less on living in regular places where one might retire and live on a fixed income. I think I expected more from "Where to Retire" than I got out of my subscription, so I didn't renew.

Buy Where to Retire (1-year auto-renewal) Now

This publication seems to focus more on real estate ads than critical reviews of those locations we might be interested in.

Read Best Reviews of Where to Retire (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I used the subscription for one year.

None of the 'Retirement recommendations' had enough depth, pictures or information.

The articles rarely told you where you could get additional information, and if they did, they usually only listed one source.

The articles do not consistently tell you about the benefits/penalty of retiring in a particular area, as I hoped they would. In other words I wanted to see each article include information about taxes for retirees (do they tax Pensions ? social security? State taxes for those over 65 ? Property tax reductions ? Homestead exemptions ? ...)

If you know what region of the country you are interested in, you might be better off grabbing a couple of regional magazines to help you find locations that fit your needs or meet your criteria. Then do some online research. The retirement suggestions in this magazine are all over the place, and all over the financial budget.

The magazine is filled with lots of sales and advertisements.

Want Where to Retire (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

If you are 55+ and looking for retirement Villages then you will like this. However, if you are more interested in living in an area outside of a retirement community this is not the magazine for you. One of the features I did enjoy was the breakdown info on a particular city/cities, such as average income, demographics, climate, etc.

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