Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Boston Magazine (1-year auto-renewal)

Boston MagazineI am surprised at those who subscribed to Boston Magazine, which is always more or less the same, and then exclaimed with surprise at how it focuses on "the elite" and "isn't the real Boston." Didn't they look at it before they bought it?

Boston Magazine is a frothy ad-filled city magazine with some fun features & a lot of fluff. Its "Best of" issue is widely read & the reviews can be useful but it is not a serious periodical. More of a provincial Vanity Fair.

If that appeals to you, then subscribe.

The magazine has undergone some changes the past year or so and it is MUCH better. The articles are more relevant, interesting and well written. The layout is more engaging. If you didn't like it in the past I recommend taking another look at it.

Buy Boston Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Written for former frat boys and sorority girls in Beantown who still live in the "pack" and can't think outside of it. The ads for kids jewelry and diamond encrusted false eyelashes are vomit inducing. A must for the pretentious set who need a glossy mag to find their second home and the latest places to be seen. Interesting anthropological study for the rest of us.

Read Best Reviews of Boston Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Here

This magazine was full of interesting articles about Boston, specifically arts related ones. I just wish it also included events listings.

Want Boston Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I get Boston Mag because I live in Boston! No brainer, right? I purchase it from Amazon because it is the best deal, anywhere! And, I can track all of my magazine purchases in one place.

Save 83% Off

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