Saturday, February 15, 2014

New Moon Girls

New Moon GirlsI first came across this magazine years ago when it was a fledgling publication. I was so impressed that I filed it in my memory banks and years later, when my daughter was about 6, I bought her a subscription. She's thirteen and still loves it. This magazine is ad-free and is written by girls, for girls. They promote open-minded exploration of ideas and values. And they explore all sorts of topics girls are interested in, everything from friendships to menstruation to zits to human rights to natural resources -all without ads or stupid stereotypes. I highly recommend this magazine and often give it as a gift! My only regret: they don't publish a similar magazine for boys! Most boys mags are just trendy trash.

I love this magazine for my tween girl!! It's got the kind of wholesome content that American Girl magazine has but without the ever-present push to buy products. It has excellent thought provoking stories, great for parents trying to raise a girl in today's materialistic, big-on-bling, low-on-substance world! An excellent alternative to most of the "teen magazines" that many tweens end up looking at. I think my 11 year old daughter has much better things to do with her time & mind than to lay around swooning over clothes, makeup & boys from tv shows.

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My 8 year old daughter just started getting this magazine. She really enjoys reading so the multiple short stories in the magazine are perfect for her.

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The stated age range for this magazine is 8 and up. I have not subscribed to the magazine, but I looked through the free sample copy on the publishers website, and I wanted to write to warn parents that it covers some fairly heavy topics. Things that are at least mentioned in passing include: body image issues, eating disorders, teasing, bullying, sexual abuse, forced child marriages, sexism, when to start dating, texting, etc. Most of the issues are handled tastefully, without inappropriate details, and giving room for the complexity of the issues. But depending on your girl and your household, you may not want to introduce these topics yet.

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After reading 2 issues of this magazine, I feel strongly that the suggested age range (of 8 and up) is off.

The first issue I picked up had a discussion about suicide, the next had one about abortion. These are two important topics but, IMHO, not for 8 year old readers. I also wished the discussions of "huge crushes" on boys had been left out. If I had reviewed these two issues before subscribing, I would not have done so at this time.

In addition to these "older" topics, there is some other good content. My complaint is that the age recommendation is way off. I would put this magazine more at the 12 and up range.

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