Monday, March 31, 2014

Scientific American Mind (1-year auto-renewal)

Scientific American MindThis is the best magazine I've read lately. It is still new, and I've only received 4 issues, but read each cover to cover, finding each article fascinating, and very accessible (unlike the parent publication, which is occasionally over my head.) It may be just because I like the subject matter but it seems to me these are subjects which would interest most people. Some recent articles (as of Oct. 2005) included why we lie, the meaning of dreams, the nature of consciousness, what causes creativitity, what is deja vu. It is one subscription which is well worth the money. The only drawback I've found is that it is quarterly sometimes it seems like a long wait between issues.

This is my favorite magazine about the mind, particularly with respect to consciousness. It's like a meeting of the minds (no pun intended) between spiritual phenomena and scientific discovery. The articles are seriously interesting and always have a new twist. I do wish it was printed more frequently however it is worth the wait for each issue.

Buy Scientific American Mind (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I've been subscribing to SciAm Mind for about a year now and have been reading it at the bookstore for a couple of years. I'm a layperson, no medical training or professional background in dealing with these topics, I just have a personal interest.

While I enjoy a good bit of the magazine, I typically find myself frustrated at how it seems as though they only have a few people submitting articles. Unfortunately I don't have a copy on hand, but there's one guy (?) with a name that's about a mile long, and by the time I've finished the magazine, I'm sick of seeing his name and reading his often less-than-thrilling diatribes.

I'll likely continue subscribing to SciAm Mind because I do feel like I get something out of it, but Psychology Today is definitely my preferred of the two.

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Each issue of this magazine covers very interesting topics in psychology and neuroscience, though it is by no means "Science". I expected the depth of the articles to be along the lines of Scientific American, its parent publication, and I am occasionally disappointed by the superficiality of some of the content.

Nonetheless, I find this magazine to address fascinating questions concerning the mind and to be very accessible if you do not have a background in the sciences. With that said though, if you are a neuroscientist, you may find "Nature Neuroscience" to be more satisfying.

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This is less about the "mind" and more about the brain, as far as I'm concerned. There is lots of biological science (some of it questionable) and a lot less psychology. It seems very focused on finding biological causes for emotional or psychological states which I feel is narrow and only half the story.

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