Thursday, April 3, 2014

Keepers at Home

Keepers at HomeAlthough this is a Mennonite publication, I am a Baptist stay at home Mom and I really enjoy it. There are articles on herbal remedies, recipes, frugal living, marriage, adoption, special needs, child training, more. They have a column where readers can write in and ask questions to be answered by other readers. An excellent magazine.

For those who take Titus 2 seriously (as well as the rest of Scripture), this magazine is a lovely encouragement. It is so well done! I enjoy reading the issues over and over.

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Keepers at Home

This was a Christmas gift to me. As the subscription is only quarterly I've only had a chance to read one issue. I've heard of this magazine for years and finally was able to purchase a subscription.

I was very pleased with the simple layout, the heart warming stories, the great tips from other home makers and especially the encouragement of Godly Older Women. (or women who have parenting longer than I have)

Great magazine even if you aren't Christian as it is almost like talking with a small community of women who are all too ready to share their Joys as well as their Trials.

Read Best Reviews of Keepers at Home Here

I am always so blessed by the articles in the magazine. It provides great information and advice. I am never disappointed. I love to give these subscriptions as gifts to my friends so that they too can be encouraged in their calling to be Keepers at Home. This magazine feels like you are sitting down with a like-minded mentor and it helps "fill my cup up" so that I can pour out myself to my family.

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I look forward to every issue I receive of Keepers of the Home. While I am not Mennonite or Amish, I find the articles to be very supportive and encouraging to mothers who strive to raise their children to love and know God and women who strive to love and respect their husbands. In our society mothers are encouraged to work and thought to be lazy if they work in the home. This magazine brightens my heart without fail after reading it.

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