Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kitchen Garden - England

Kitchen Garden - EnglandI lived in the UK (East Kent) for two years and subscribed to Kitchen Gardens. It was marvelous -advice on what grew in my area, what to do in the garden this month, new plant varieties, new seed offers, experience of other UK gardeners in challenging environments, the restructuring of medieval kitchen gardens -in short, a wonderful read and guide to kitchen gardening in the UK.

And at GBP 3 per issue, quite reasonably priced ... but $100 for 6 issues, describing seeds we are unlikely to get, growing conditions unlike what we deal with, shows (and garden tours) we can't attend ... it's still a great read, but its utility is vastly reduced and one has to wonder about the cost/benefit ratio ...

I decided that as much as I loved it in the UK, it's a pass in the US. Sorry ...

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