Saturday, May 17, 2014

Macleans Magazine

Macleans MagazineThough the magazine is owned by Rogers corp. which I hate very much, the magazine is great. It was once a lesser known and hard leftie magazine. These days it is among the finest in the world. Mark Steyn shines among their columnist. Andrew Coyne is now a well known author for his great works. The interviews in the magazine are informative and bright. All in all, this is one magazine I am proud to be subscribed to. IMO, it ranks among the finest magazine in North America. Better than Newsweek magazine, if you will, and you should know that it is sued by the Islamic Jihadists in Canada. I like it so much. 5/5

It took the full eight weeks to start arriving, but it was worth the wait. I enjoy learning things from outside my previous experience; Maclean's is going to expand my knowledge set quite a bit, as well as providing a hard copy to keep and the sort of commentary the online newspapers just don't run to. Thanks for giving me access to something I simply could not find otherwise.

Buy Macleans Magazine Now

This magazine is a pretty good magazine with a Canadian slant. Also, the Macleans university guide is pretty helpful for students who are going to go to post-secondary education here in Canada soon.

Read Best Reviews of Macleans Magazine Here

Nice to read news from another point of view, especially from our good neighbors to the North. I wish we were more like them.

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A magazine that is written by many National Post alumni, I think Maclean's does a decent job with its Canadian and international content. Considering it is one of the few national magazines in the country, there's little competition, if at all. Its ideology comes across as mainstream, but for the most part it is decidedly right-wing, which is unfortunate because of its position as the virtually lone national political magazine. But Maclean's will never be capable of matching the breadth and talented writing in American magazines like Newsweek or Time, who recently transfered its remaining costumers over to Maclean's. While it is occasionally interesting, most of its articles are rather forgettable. If you're looking for Canadian politics and general interest, than you might be best served here. But if you don't mind foreign publications, definitely look elsewhere.

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