For photography, TS probably takes the lead. For the skateboard lifestyle, the edge goes to TM. For those who like to read text, SM has the most. Surprisingly, the best is probably SS, which is a balanced combination of all three styles.
Before spending too much on any one magazine, I suggest you try the same so that you get THE magazine you want.This magazine is exactly what a skating mag should be. Pics, worked in advertisements, nice little poster tear-outs, "skater slang", interviews, top 5's, and all sorts of other goodies you will enjoy.the magizine is very thick but a lot of it is adds. The adds have good pictures of skaters doing tricks and stuff though. It also has cool interveiws and stuff. It is the only magizine i get. If you like to skate buy this magizeine.Transworld is worth the Money! It's the price of a regular magazine, but 3 times as thick! Sure there are a lot of adds in it, but hey, they're all just pictures of skaters doing tricks! Also, there are cool articles, interviews, and coverage of tours. Any skater with {money} should buy this. SKATEBOARDNG IS NOT A SPORT!!!!!!!!I bought this mag at a grocery store. I'm fascinated with skateboarding. It's a really thick magazine. Probably because nearly everything in it are ads. That's annoying. Good pictures, though. Anyway, it's pretty nice. I'd recommend looking around at other magazines like "Thrasher", "Skateboarding", etc. Enjoy!
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