Thursday, July 17, 2014

Country Living (1-year auto-renewal)

Country LivingThis magazine has really gone down hill, coincidentally when the newest editor (Sarah Gray Miller) took over. This magazine used to be my absolute favorite! The features on women entrepreneurs, the crafts, the fresh & unique ideas.

The most recent issue (May 2010) however, thought it was a centerfold-worthy idea to (get this) display family photos in a stairwell! This is the sort of creativity CL is producing these days family photos in a stairwell... I don't know who they think they're reaching, since pretty much every home in America with a stairwell has probably had family photos displayed in it at one time or another. The gall, I think, to pass such ideas off as fresh & new.

What will they feature next, hanging a kitchen towel from your stove handle? Putting magnets on a refrigerator? Photography books cleverly displayed on a coffee table?

I would not be surprised if their "creative" team is getting inspiration by flipping through 1992's issues of Woman's Day.

This magazine is surely no longer worth the money, especially now that it's 50% ads made to look like even more home decorating "ideas". Yes, even for $1, which is Amazon's cost for a year's subscription. It's still not worth it, it's that bad. If you must appease your curiosity, I would suggest maybe flipping through it once a month in the grocery store if you have the time. Most likely you will find, however, that's it's still not worthy buying.

I have continued to get this Magazine subscription for almost 4 years now. I really enjoy the pictures and the many different ways to do "country". I began subscribing because I was gathering information on opening a "Bed and Breakfast" and I wanted to see the looks that were out there that said "cozy" and "homey". This Magazine has never let me down I find that I enjoy the section that they have called "Real Estate Sampler" as well as the product information that they have in the back of the book.

I used to get over 16 Magazine Subscriptions, and for me to keep subscribing to this one speaks volumes(please check out my other Magazine reviews)The other Magazine that I liked about as much as this one along the same lines is House & Garden.

Happy Reading

Buy Country Living (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Been a long time subscriber since the original issue. Now too many ads passed off as decorating ideas. Used to be really fresh ideas but now its repetitive. Probably won't be subscribing anymore.

Read Best Reviews of Country Living (1-year auto-renewal) Here

and especially the family heirlooms that have been passed

onto you. The ordinary everyday chairs,linens,and china that

belong to the agarian era of the Family Farmhouse.

In an inventive an unique way, Country Living uses the antiques

to compliment our modern way of living.Nothing is wasted.

Beauty can be found in the placement of objects.

A kitchen will have a dishwasher camouflaged among a one

hundred year old table and chairs.

The pictures are beautiful and the price of the magazine is

very reasonable.

Usually there is an article for the 20 somethings. It

is 60's retro, or how to be country in a city loft...

Want Country Living (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

An outstanding magazine even if all you wish to do is look at the pictures. Great ideas and for a great price.

Save 73% Off

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