Friday, July 18, 2014

Neue Post

Neue PostI'm writing on behalf of my mother who is getting the magazine. She is a German immigrant who just loves Neue Post. It has long been her only trusted authority for news, health and beauty tips, celebrities and whatnot. For years, a cousin in Germany used to mail her bundles of old issues after everyone in her household had read them. That cousin died a few years ago, and aside from losing her lifelong friend, my mother sorely missed getting her favorite magazine. She remarked on it every time her cousin came up in a conversation, so when I found out she could get a Neue Post subscription through Amazon, I gave her one for her birthday. She was overjoyed and couldn't wait for the deliveries to start. Fortunately, the magazine arrived two weeks earlier than promised and so far it has come promptly every week. My mother now looks forward to Mondays because that is when her Neue Post arrives. She is especially happy that she now gets the latest news from Germany when it is news, and not a month or so later after her relatives have finished looking it over. I don't think I've ever given her a present she has loved more than this. Thanks, Amazon, for giving her so much joy.

I got this for my parents who are from Germany. They like to keep up with what's going on in German tv, movies and music.

Buy Neue Post Now

she loves it. It keeps her up on the news from her mother country. Plus some fun things too. So far the mailing has been good as well.

Read Best Reviews of Neue Post Here

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