Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dark Discoveries

Dark DiscoveriesI do so enjoy macabre stories, long or short. But Dark Discoveries seemed to try so hard to be cerebral, you knowcredible, that it left much to be said for the visceral thrill of spooky goodnessnot to mention it could use a lot more stories and a lot less "tribute." Take for instance the issue about a guy who wrote for Night Gallery/Twilight Zone. The editors of this magazine adored him. And it showed. Page after page of interviews with people who knew him. Why, they even reprinted the script for the TZ episode with William Shatneryou know, with the white fuzzy monkey creature out on the wing? Wild Bill with too much eyeliner? Lots of leering and sweatiness and skewed camera angles?

You remember, right? Not your favorite episode? Mine either. But heyI got to enjoy page after page of something already known and already cliche. What a waste of wood pulp to print that.

I really really wish this magazine, as nice looking as it is on slick paper instead of newspaper quality, had more stories and less "articles". I really like being able to have physical pages (rather than e-zines), but alasI won't be renewing my subscription. The discoveries in this magazine, for me, are more dull than dark.

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