Friday, July 4, 2014

Men's Health (1-year auto-renewal)

Men's HealthAs a regular reader of "Men's Health," I have long enjoyed its articles for their entertaining style and the useful information contained in its pages. After several years, however, it has become obvious that there are only so many abs exercises, or amusing sex tips, or ways to portray men as charmingly stupid. I realize that I no longer need to buy the magazine as I can just look at the back issues I have instead. It covers the basics well, but does it over and over, so my advice is to enjoy it for a year and then go on to more advanced things on your own.

I've enjoyed subscribing to Men's Health magazine in the past but I had to stop to prevent being sold products and renewals without my authorization. Be aware that with your subscription, they will automatically renew your subscription "for your convenience" and bill you accordingly.

Also, I would receive post-card notices in the mail about their latest fitness guide ($28) and how I can "preview" it for 21 days. Of course, I think not and toss the card out. Too bad I didn't pay close enough attention. I have to fill out and send the card back in order to decline. The fitness guide shows up in the mail and I have 21 days to repack it and ship it back. They got me with two of them (I admit, I did fail to get it shipped back before 21 days was up) and, along with the auto-renewal, I had enough and called and told them I didn't want to be a customer anymore. Fine....I thought. It's been four months since my last issue and here I am now with a postcard from Rodale Books about previewing the 2008 Fitness Guide. I guess cancelling my subscription wasn't enough to keep them from auto-selling me stuff.

Can you imagine this new tactic of selling becoming the norm? The retailer gets to choose what we order and it's up to us to decline it. Crazy! If you google for "Rodale return card 14 days" you'll see that there are some who have attempted to sue Rodale over this. Think twice before ordering this magazine and being subjected to the same sales tactics.

Buy Men's Health (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I know that Amazon does not have the option of zero stars but if given that option, I would still give Men's Health one star for at least its content. I have been a fairly consistent subscriber to the magazine for about 6 years and I have definitely been educated and entertained by its content. The authors and layout staff have definitely made Men's Health a pleasure to read.

Unfortunately, over the last couple of years that I have noticed, the parent company, Rodale has been engaging in some fairly poor business practices. First off, they love to send random hardcover books to you and charge you for them without you ever really consenting to it. There is basically no way for you to ship back the books without costing a fortune on shipping fees. To my knowledge, there is no option of opting out of this.

Also, unlike a lot of other normal magazines, Rodale never gives you the option of renewing your subscription. They pretty much just send you a bill at the end of your original renewal period and charge you for the next period automatically. If you do not respond they will send your debt to a collection agency and that is a whole different nightmare to deal with.

Of course I'm sure if we all read that thing we signed before subscribing to the magazine that there will be a section in small print informing us that Rodale can do whatever it wants. In that aspect, it is indeed my fault for letting them take advantage of me but I have recently canceled my subscription and never plan to subscribe again until Rodale decides to change its policies.

Read Best Reviews of Men's Health (1-year auto-renewal) Here

My problem isn't with the magazine itself, but with their new (or at least new to me) subscription policy. Subscriptions now automatically renew, which means you will start receiving bills months before your current subscription ends. If you decide you don't want to renew you must call them. If you don't they will turn you over to a collection agency, even if you don't receive issues from the new subscription.

I have subscribed to Men's Health off an on for many years, and even own some of their books. This is the first time I have had this problem, and it will be the last. Apparently they are getting desperate trying to keep their subscribers.

Want Men's Health (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

Aside from the fact that this magazine has very little to do with REAL men, it's publisher, RODALE has treated me very unfairly.

You will get bombarded with glossy junk mail and they will automatically renew your subscription without your approval. If you ignore it, they will have North Shore Agency (collector) send you a collections notice. Think I'm kidding? Just Google it. They do this to everyone.

My wife got me a subscription through her airline miles program. I hated the magazine and never renewed it. Apparently that means little to Rodale. I got a notice from North Shore and challenged them to prove I asked for a renewal. Never heard back. I expect to see this on a TV "rip-off" report soon. You've been warned!!

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