Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hi-Fi +

Hi-Fi +I am an Audiophile and appreciate good print material. Hi Fi+ gives me a different perspective on equipment as viewed from across the Great Pond. This was an extension/renewal to my existing Amazon purchase.

I love HIFI Plus magazine for its well written reviews and ethically honest journalism practices compared to the older British trash publications like What hifi.

However, because HiFi Plus is imported from the UK it is prohibitively way too expensive to subscribe to in paper format. I wish the publisher would offer a Kindle version for North American subscribers. As an audiophile I do have to say it is one of the best magazines published in the world today. I have listened to equipment at local HIFI salons that was reviewed in the publication and found many of the reviewers claims to be spot on sound wise, which can often be very subjective depending on the perception of the person hearing a particular audio component and what it's hooked up to. A couple of years ago HiFi Plus reviewed an Sim Audio Moon integrated Amplifier,(that was given hi marks in many well known U.S. audiophile publications), and the writer thought it had a rather disappointing sterile sound quality.

Being an old fan of Sim Audio I heard that same amp before reading that review and came to the same conclusion.

I was shocked and angry when a so-called American journalist gave an A rating to the same amp in their prestigious publication. I suspect he had been bought off. Whenever you read the phrase, "it sounded so good that I bought the review sample," be very skeptical of the writer. For the writer either gets the component for free or at manufacture cost. I know this for a fact because I have known Audiophile journalists who have told me that's how they get compensated for writing positive reviews of products that may or may not be as great as they are touted to be.

Buy Hi-Fi + Now

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