Monday, July 21, 2014

The English Home (1-year auto-renewal)

The English HomeThis reaqder is a true Anglophile and wants this new,year old magazine to survive. Judging from the amount of advertizing it receives, I'm not sure that it will. Each edition brings decorating features, some English recipies, homes for sale, and descriptions of all manner of things English. Written for North American readers, it is a delight.

-A beautiful magazine.

-Includes U.S. sources for British designers and home furnishings.

-Sponsors fabulous house and garden tours in England.

-I leave past issues around the house, and guests ooo and ahhh over the magazine.

Buy The English Home (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Beautiful magazine! Excellent articles and lovely pictures. I really enjoyed reading about the Bronte sisters' home in the last issue.

Read Best Reviews of The English Home (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I have really enjoyed my subscription to this beautiful magazine. NO DRUG ads.....have you noticed that most of our home grown "home" rags are just crammed with multi-paged pharmaceutical advertisements? Are these especially targeted to women? Country Living is a thin read indeed if you tear out all these ads.

Anyway, this gorgeous British home magazine always has at least one piece about a significant historical property..... but also, each issue has a fascinating story about another, less "significant" property that has been remade over many years and a lot of hard work and imagination into a family home!

The photography is charming.....the pages high quality paper and I will continue to subscribe, foregoing all the American counterparts as their subs end.

Want The English Home (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I am so enjoying English Home Magazine, well written articles and food section. Being a Brit living in America, its wonderful to travel back through the pages. To follow someone re buidling a cottage to make it theirs. Reading what its like to be a caretaker of a castle and actually living in it.

I am reading it from Page to page and enjoying all the wonderful photos.

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