Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Stuff - England

Stuff - EnglandI've always loved this magazine...purchased it while I was stateside...found it in a B&N in Dayton, Ohio and have been hooked ever since. That being said, when I discovered I could order it via AMZ...I thought I was back into being ahead of the game on new tech...but as of this writing I have still yet to receive my first issue since ordered the magazine via AMZ in September...it will have been two months in two days...I guess that is how long it takes to get a magazine that is published in the UK...but wow! I'm sure it will come...and I'll love it again...BOTTOM-LINE if you want to know what's hot and what's coming to the states...if it ever does...this is the magazine for you. MY 5 -stars is for the magazine content...not the ordering/servicing process...too bad both (ordering/servicing and product content) are usually tied to each other.

if you love gadgets and need to keep up to date on the latest and greatest in electronics, this is the magazine you need. Does have a fair amount of overlap from month to month.. could be issued every two to three months without missing much, but I still look forward to every issue

Buy Stuff - England Now

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