Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mother Jones (1-year auto-renewal)

Mother JonesNot too many newsstands carry this magazine, so it is well worth having a subscription. Most of today's magazines are published by large conglomerates (such as AOL-Time-Warner), just the type of organizations that would NEVER say a bad word against a government that supports them in every way.

THIS is a magazine for the people...not afraid to tell it like it uncover dirty politics (be it Republican or Democrat) or corrupt business. If more people would read this magazine, more people would be outraged at what's going on, and perhaps things would start heading in the right direction.

But this magazine isn't just politics. They have great articles on music, books, etc., as well.

This is no Time or Newsweek, kissing up to the politicians and big business that have this nation in such an awful mess. This is reality. Subscribe today.

Unlike TIME or Newsweek Mother Jones magazine is willing to take on the big corporations and the sacred cows of government. It has been a publication we have read for decades and is fair. Liberal for sure, but also fair. They took on politicians who were in the corner with the tobacco companies. People like then California Speaker and now San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. They have exposed the hypocrites who fight porn and the hypocrites within organized religion. They have been on the front lines on racial and ethnic issues long before the average "news" magazines gave a damn.

Buy Mother Jones (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I'm starting to think I'm going to have to get a subscription to MoJo -it's getting harder and harder to find here in Canada. This is one of the most progressive magazines around. It is a well written, hard hitting magazine that covers politics from a progressive viewpoint. I like having access to something that contradicts the pro-business/capitalism point of view that dominates in the North American media. The quality of the writing and the photography is high, and the articles are timely and topical enough that they can lead to great conversations with guests. If you're all at open to reading a socialist/left wing viewpoint on national and international issues, this magazine is one you'll want to read.

Read Best Reviews of Mother Jones (1-year auto-renewal) Here

With regret, the word "liberal" is a dirty one these days. And in an era where the criminal often gets more rights than the victim, and the unborn get no rights at all, it's easy to see how the good-intentioned get demonized.

This magazine highlights what I believe are the good, RIGHT-minded LIBERALS. The kind that hate government corruption and seek to expose it. The kind that care about clean air, and the kind who hate what corporations are doing to wreck the environment. The kind who love peace and hate war. These are the people I happily and readily identify with.

Get this magazine; you'll be in good company. According to the site, people who subscribe to Mother Jones are also getting Atlantic Monthly and Harpers. This trio of magazines really is the cream of the crop (or at least a portion of it).

It's nice to see great investigative journalist at its purist, just a non-profit magazine fighting the good fight without coming off as conspiracy-theorist quacks or foaming-at-the-mouth fanatics. One star deducted because it comes out just six times a year--that's a long time to wait for a magazine, especially a quality one.

Want Mother Jones (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I've subscribed to all sorts of magazines over the years including fashion, art, home decor, parenting and even a dog magazine. This is by far the best magazine out there. After I'm done reading it I feel like it was time well spent. Full of excellent writing and information.

HOWEVER, ever since I got a subscription I started receiving TONS of junk mail from all sorts of organizations like the Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, other political magazines, and now with the presidential race coming up, political candidates! It's endless. Not a week goes by that I don't receive some sort of solicitation. If Mother Jones is going to sell my name and address to so many organizations then I think my subscription should be free (that's why I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars)!

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