Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The New American

The New AmericanThe New American is the most accurate and truthful news magazine in the nation today. TRULY non-partisan, it portrays the news and unique perspective on the news and issues of importance without the politically correct filter of the general media, and without a partisan bias either. If you want a constitutionally accurate and historically accurate read on the things that are important to our nation and its future, this is the publication for you.

If you're sick of the blatantly biased news media, THE NEW AMERICAN is a great bi-weekly publication which gives you the opposing view not covered by the establishment media. One of the rare news magazines which is equally tough on both major political parties. This is the magazine the government doesn't want you reading. The articles in this magazine go behind the headlines to reveal what is really going on, which is rarely reported by the mainstream press. The publishers do not hide the fact that their articles are written from a constitutionalist perspective which means that they're critical of almost everything the federal government is doing (& not doing like enforcing our borders). They also expose the network of political elites who work behind the scenes through painstaking research. A must read for young libertarians and traditional conservatives!

Buy The New American Now

This magazine prints alot of good articles, and keeps you thinking on what is really going on in the USA today. The most astonishing publications lately have been about NAFTA and the NAU.

I highly recommend a one year subscription. 26 issues for only $39.00.

Not bad for the price.

I would also recommend subscribing to Republic Magazine as well.

Read Best Reviews of The New American Here

The New American is an amazing magazine... well-researched articles and the most important news pertaining to America and the freedoms of her people lie within!! :-) Great bits of education on the history of the united States. I highly recommend subscribing to this magazine, and sharing subscriptions with the people that you love and care about.

Want The New American Discount?

I subscribed to The New American about two years ago. I could not be happier! I don't think I will ever unsubscribe in my entire life. If you want to have an unbiased look at current events and much more, you cannot go without reading The New American. As a college student, I can't tell you how many times this has helped me in developing projects and simple assignments. Also, it will give you a rock-solid, unbiased perspective to share with others as I have so many times in class and outside of class. I can assure you, any person going up against an article from The New American will have a tremendously difficult time. Due to The New American's unbiased, unpolitically correct, and truthful nature, it exposes and demonstrates the truth that we all need to know and gives you rock-solid information. I personally sponsered a two-year subscription for my congressman and senator because I know this kind of news would do good to our nation. In reading this magazine, I would also dare to say that just by reading it, the magazine has directed me in the right direction concerning my college career and personal studies. Other than an informative news source, I would also call it a guide. If you decide to subscribe, I can assure you that there is no loss with The New American!

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