Monday, December 8, 2014

Allure (1-year auto-renewal)

AllureAllure is a great idea that's poorly manifested. I love it in principle -a magazine devoted to beauty with a heavy focus on makeup. The content, however, is short on how-to and long on buy-this-product. Much of the makeup is expensive and exclusive, unavailable to the majority of the buying public. They're constantly raving over products that are quite frankly terrible, to the point where seeing Allure recommend something actually makes me less likely to try it. The fashion spreads are pointless and would be better left out, focusing on expensive items, unwearable trends, or flash-in-the-pan fads. The "Makeup Colors" technique is always frustrating, as the listed products never even resemble the actual look achieved. This problem is worsened by the fact that the colors of featured products rarely render true on the pages; I get sick of buying a cosmetic product only to find the color looks nothing like the way it looked on the page. It swings wildly between trends and recommendations with no apparent sense of coherence to it; its advice frequently contradicts itself from one month to the next. Finally, its focus on fluffy celebrity, name brand clothes, and rich-and-famous lifestyles (it's obsessed with recommending clothes and etiquette for red-carpet "parties" of the kind I can't begin to relate to) leads the average reader to develop a massive inferiority complex.

Skip this one and go for Lucky for versatile fashion advice, the most important makeup tips and trends, and a wider range of ages, hairstyles, and races on the models than the bland-beautiful-young-white-girl Allure favors.

Ever flip through a magazine, skip all the articles, and dive straight into the beauty section? I have. Good beauty advice is what I want most out of my magazines. Well, Allure is a magazine devoted to beauty.

It covers everything from makeup, clothing, skin care, to health and the ups and downs of plastic surgery.

There are special little features in every issue that totally devote themselves to one aspect of beauty. One month the article was devoted to how to pluck your eyebrows, and it covered everything from technique to good tweezers to what to do to reduce swelling. Another month it centered around sunglasses and recommended styles and shapes to suit your skin tone and shape of face. Another month it was devoted to eyeliners! What kind of liners do what, what brands are recommended, how to apply pencil, liquid, powder liners... wheee, it's pure heaven for any beauty fanatic.

I also love how they take the time to go over what type of makeup the featured celebrity is wearing on the cover. It bothers me when I see the featured celeb wearing a divine shade of cosmetics and not being able to find out what it is and where to get it.

There is beauty Q&A galore in Allure. Some of the most respected names in haircare, makeup, nails, skincare, etc., are regular contributers to Allure and answer questions sent in by readers.

There's also a makeover in every issue!

So renown is Allure's makeup savvy that if a brand of beauty product wins an Allure's viewer's choice award, they proudly display it on ads and packaging. The editors and reporters do a fine job of introducing and reviewing new products, something I love reading about.

Aside from beauty advice, they also produce some very serious articles regarding beauty. In one month's issue, Allure reported on the various forms of cosmetic procedures and produced before/after pictures of each featured procedure and reported the pros and cons along with reviewing the general effectiveness.

If you love beauty and haircare, get Allure!

What you'll find lacking from Allure are the political articles (like you'll find in Marie Claire) and the sex and relationship articles (like in Cosmo and Glamour). This is first and foremost a magazine devoted to beauty all the way through.

Buy Allure (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Each month I really look forward to getting my Allure issue.

The magazines focus is on beauty though you will also find some fashion pieces.

What I like most is the magazines unusual look at beauty. For example past issues have included a peek inside at the items in some bathroom cabinets belonging to well knowed women.

What strippers at Scores use to take care of their bodies. An article on the man who inspired the movie Shampoo.

And there are many traditional articles on beauty. Allure excells at being on the cutting edge of new technology that will make you even prettier. On these pages you will find out about botox, laser surgery, high tech hair and more.

Allure is refreshing in that it does not have a diet article every month. In fact several years ago Allure made a point to state that it did not want to offer up a diet of the month. But Allure does share tidbits of diet information like the latest on sweeteners or water weight. It will also occasionally run true life stories on dealing with the emotional side of eating problems. And recently has tracked two women and their weight loss efforts over several months.

Fashion articles are limited to a few pages and usually include pictorials on new trends, staking out the look of a star and the latest scoop on accessories.

Definately Allure is the magazine to buy to learn how to keep your look fresh and fun!

Read Best Reviews of Allure (1-year auto-renewal) Here

As a typical young female, I've read a lot of different magazines geared toward women. Most, in general, feature the same articles month after month, and therefore become repetitive and boring. Let's face it: there is only so much you can take reading about "The Best Bedroom Moves" issue after issue. Allure, however, never seems dull or filled with useless amounts of recycled information.

I began subscribing to the magazine at age 18 (I'm 23 now) and have never been disappointed. Allure has articles for every age, and I find relevant information for my life, body, and health, and then I am able to find information that will interest and benefit my 50+ year old mother. Perhaps that is part of the appeal of the magazine: any age group can enjoy it. Not many magazines can say that.

Unlike many other female-geared magazines, Allure offers more than just underwear pictures and "how to please your man" articles. Each issue, Allure has an entire section dedicated to new health science discoveries, such as new updates about skin cancer and sleep problems. The magazine seems genuinely about women, beauty, and health, whereas other magazines make some feminists role their eyes ("how to please your man," anyone?)

Like anything else, Allure has its downfalls. While I do appreciate the make-up, weightloss, and fashion tips, I still always feel that I can never quite live up to the expectation the magazine presents me. I'm a pretty girl in good physical health, and I stillat timesfeel inadequate when reading the many awesome articles of this magazine.

Overall, I recommend Allure highly to women of all ages, shapes, and sizes. It contains more than just the bubbly sextalk of most female magazines, and therefore you get more zest for your money.

Want Allure (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I have been a very happy subscriber since I was 13.

Finding my first issue in 1994, in a recycling box in my building's laundry room was something I will never forget. I am still on that same subscription, 11 years later and I absolutely loved every issue.

This has beauty and fashion. No mindless pages of gossip and how to please your man manuals, this one is all pure beauty.

I can always read about the best salons, spas, new makeup products; ways to put your own shades in new combos on your face, how to have the best bubble bath ever or the glossiest hair, this magazine does it all.

I look forward every month to see what it will bring me.

I always hear my female friends asking me to teach them how to apply makeup since they like mine, and I cannot really you how many of those requests I got! I also get begged to go makeup and skincare shopping and I really think that how I shop, do makeup, hair and my overall physical appearance, I can thank Allure for putting some nice and pretty ideas in my head. I am not superficial where I focus so much on the makeup, I can read and think deep, yet this is one guilty pleasure that this magazine satisfied for me.

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