Saturday, December 20, 2014


ArtillerymanIf you are interested in American Civil War artillery, this is THE reference for you. Coggins book is great for most first level study, but this magazine and their authors is certainly the next level. I have been a subscriber of their earlier mag, The Muzzle Loading Artilleryman...back in the 70s. The Paulsen brothers have been 'figuring-out' ACW cannon that long and first hand. They helped me determine the rate of fire for a 10lb Parrot rifle...since the rounds were so tight that the round's sabot had to be chiseled for it to slide down the rifle barrel. The ammo wasn't fixed either so the rate of fire was slow compared to the Howitzers and Napoleons...hence artillerymen of the time liked the smooth bores better, even 6 lbers!

The quality of the print is excellent, the format is comfortable, and the article selection is also decidedly diverse enough to keep your interest.

If you need info on ACW arty, ask the authors! They are a valuable resource and quick to aid your particular interest.

If you are a re-enactor, this is an invaluable aide to improve your 1st person impression as they have a terrific amount of knowledge on sighting devices, loads, and lanyards.

You won't go wrong with this valuable resource! Get it today!

"Dedicated to the advancement of safety and skill in the exhibition and competition shooting of muzzle loading cannon and mortar"....

Have been subscribing for decades, and "Artilleryman" covers all aspects of historical and antique artillery; News, History, How to do, Classified Ads, Safety, Reenacting, Competition, and much more.

Simply the best.

Buy Artilleryman Now

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