Monday, December 22, 2014

Irish America Magazine

Irish America MagazineMy name is Julia McAvoy and I am proud to be an Irish-American. When I first got a hold of Irish America Magazine two years ago I was astonished to find how much I was interested in reading the articles, and how much I learned! I am so happy I have a subscription because I could barely wait to go to Borders and Barnes and Nobles to get it-so it is much more convient to have it come right to my house. My favorite sections are the interviews. So many awesome celebrites are included in Irish America Magazine and it's so much fun to read. Not only that, but there are a million things I have learned about Ireland since I've been reading. I can't express how great a publication Irish America Magazine is, you def. have to find out for yourself.

i'm a young irish american in my 20's. grew up raised american with irish dance and music influences. this connects me to my relatives in a way, and it lets me see and feel what is going on in ireland today. articles talk of politics, hometown stories, legends and practices. it's like a panoramic view of ireland today. i give it 4 stars because it does focus a bit much on irish american actors and hollywood--but it isn't the tabloids, so i'm not disappointed. there are no stupid headlines or crazy accusations--just honest-to-goodness interviews with actors who happen to be irish. this is a solid subscription, especially if you want to get to know the irish culture more. I couldn't be more impressed.

Buy Irish America Magazine Now

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