Monday, December 22, 2014


ImbibeA friend introduced me to this fun magazine. Without being ponderous, it has more useful and accessible information than I've seen in one food or wine journal in a long time. I've learned practical things like not to buy the econony sized vermouth, 'cause it won't keep well once opened, or the best sparkling ciders, what wine to bring as a dinner party gift, and why Guinness tastes better in Ireland. It has great virtual trips like to Thailand, Oaxaco, and Jamaica woven around the theme of the liquid pleasures produced in each country everything from tea to rum, or chocolate. I find it humanizes the products from all over the world that I take for granted while giving me imaginative ways to serve them. When CNN starts to drown me with bad news, this snappy mag is as refreshing as Thai iced tea or a tall Vermouth cassis.

If you buy Imbibe because you think it will be filled with receipes of all the latest shots and drinks, you will be disappointed. This is a serious magazine about beverages. If you are interested in how bourbon is made than you will like the magazine. I found a recent article about the bourbon trail to be very informative as I had recently went there on a vacation.

Imbibe seems to focus on alchol but there are also articles about coffee and tea (I skip these parts). Once again the magazine aims to inform you of how things are made or how to enjoy them. There are some drink recipes but this is a small part of the magazine.

Quality: The pages are thick and the ink does not bleed onto your hand. The magazine is well done and very classy you would not be embarassed to leave out on a table for guests to look thru. Content is informative and the articles are failry short (afterall you are dealing with beverages not rocket science).

All in all Imbibe is a magazine like no other thus it has no real competition. The magazine is well done and I look forward to receiving my copy every other month.

Buy Imbibe Now

With an unpretentious approach to coffee, alcohol, and tea; Imbibe accomplishes what most magazines (and books!) of its genere can not: They make the subject of drink approachable once more!

Fascinating articles, Interesting Q&A's, great product reviews, along with drink recommendations, and recipes, this is a magazine I'll be subscribing until these eyes can't read no more.

Read Best Reviews of Imbibe Here

Portlanders like to drink; coffee, tea, beer, wine, booze, water...whatever. Give Portlanders a glass and pretty soon they'll be snobs about what side of town the filling comes from. Great American Beer Festival Gold Medals frequently accumulate more heavily in each side of town than in other states...and there are five sides of town! World class coffee and tea companies spring up like mushrooms after a fall rain. The tap water can legally be bottled as spring water.

Imbibe magazine is a great magazine about great drinks from a place where they really care about such things. They provide excellent coverage of recent drinking trends and great old standards. Best yet, it's not a bunch of New Yorkers explaining why you should live in Manhattan. It's a bunch of Portlanders inviting you to the best drinks in the world. Enjoy a subscription, and remember to hydrate before going to sleep after a night on the town.

Want Imbibe Discount?

Imbibe is simply a fantastic magazine for anyone interested in wine, beer,coffee or tea. This magazine is a rare gem.

Save 33% Off

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