Coastal Living is a professionallymade magazine with lots of enticing photographs, personal stories, and general advice on making the most out of life on the coast. The emphasis in Coastal Living is on waterfront property and the events and entertainment that often take place in cities with a large coastal area.
Much of what you read in Coastal Living pertains to betterknown waterfront areas in the United States. Such popular destinations as Boston, Miami, New York, Long Island, California, Cape Cod, South Padre Island, and other touristoriented places comprise a large portion of the featured articles in this magazine. Many of these places (like New York City) have very expensive waterfront property than can often be next to impossible to buy. But these areas also include lots of tourist activities, which is why they are so frequently highlighted in this magazine.
Besides the wellknown destinations, Coastal Living also includes a good number of featured articles on lesserknown places. Many of these lack the fastpace and the extensive nightlife of the more popular destinations, but they also offer better deals on property and an opportunity to get away from the chaos of the larger cities. Such places as the Delaware coast, Michigan, Ohio's Lake Erie coast, and others are often very quaint and interesting. Also, they offer property that is far more reasonable in price and is often within the affordability range for many buyers.
Much of the properties you see and read about in Coastal Living are quite expensive. But rememberthe majority of the homes are on major coastlines, so you can't expect to find them for selling for a low cost. These are highdemand, low supply properties and they vary greatly in price, but they are all expensive. In a popular area, these homes can sell up to the tens of millions of dollars. But in less popular areas, you can sometimes find some bargain prices on waterfront property. For example, Coastal Living has highlighted many Great Lakes properties that are priced very close to the overall U.S. average. They are not as cheap as most areas of the inner cities, no. But they are priced within the reach of many families.
The emphasis in Coastal Living seems to be on propertiesboth main residences and vacation properties that are adjacent to a major coastline. But there are other items promoted for sale besides property. And much of this other merchandise is also quite costly. In the "Currents" section, for example, it is common to find things like lawn furniture, cufflinks, fancy pitchers, and other things selling for many times the usual price. Most of it is intended for those who want a little bit more and are willing (and able) to pay the price.
Coastal Living is a personal magazine. Most of the stories involve families and couples who enjoy the coast. They share with the reader such things as how they keep their homes protected from the sea, what they do for entertainment, how they like to decorate, and why living on the coast means so much to them. Photos of families and couples often grace the pages of these types of articles, giving them a friendly, domestic feel.
Most of what you will find in Coastal Living relates to the United States coast. There is only an occasional article about other coastal areas, like those of Mexico, the Caribbean, and other places. True, you will sometimes find an article about Hawaii or Alaska. But for the most part, Coastal Living tries to keep its journalism concentrated on places that lie within close proximity to the majority of Americans.
Overall, Coastal Living is a very good magazine for people who enjoy vacationing on the coast, finding entertainment on the coast and, of course, living on the coast. The photography and presentation are excellent and it's interesting to read about the bigcity life on the coast as well as some of the more "unknown" destinations. It provides great reading and a useful reference for people who already live on the coast or who are interested in purchasing waterfront property.

You don't have to live on the coast to enjoy this magazine, you only have to love it. "Coastal Living" is informative and enjoyable reading that covers everything from decorating a beach home to getting involved with environmental causes.
From Alaska to Rhode Island,from Hawaii to Florida, and everyplace in between that has a coastline, you'll find well written articles on the best vacation spots,places of historical interest,great seafood recipes,architecture,saving the coastlines,travel and decorating tips.
If you are a lover of beaches or boating,a sunworshiper or have a strong interest in the coastline, the price is right for a subscription. For those just looking for some ideas on travel or a few decorating tips, you may just want to pick one up from the newstand and check it out first.It is a good size periodical,with many articles and beautiful pictures, that will make you just want to pack up and head for the coast...any coast!
Nice change of pace for the coffee table too....enjoy...Laurie
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If you're looking mostly for affordable coastal decorating ideas, this is probably not the magazine for you. Five years ago (or more), the magazine content was different it had fun, affordable coastal decorating ideas. If you're subscribing based on familiarity with the magazine from a while back, you may be disappointed. I gave it 5 stars because it does deliver on what it says it has luxury coastal getaways/vacation/resort areas. I ended up canceling my subscription after about 8 issues, but it was no fault of theirs; just my incorrect assumption that the content hadn't changed.
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I have been a subscriber to Coastal Living for about a year now and I have to say the quality of the magazine has really gone downhill. I got the magazine because it's eye candy. I wanted to see beautiful beach houses and learn about exotic destinations. Now, it's a knock-off of Southern Living and Better Homes and Garden. They seem to have a new editor (maybe the 3rd one this year) and even the layout has changed. They keep featuring these tacky cottages and reporting on the most boring things (200 things to do with salmon, diners in Florida). I will not be renewing my subscription and will try my luck with another magazine.
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Really a great magazine if you love the seashore, islands, summer living. Eye candy that can put you in an instant good mood. They have suggestions for get-aways, decorating ideas for shore-type decors, even some great recipes. They don't just show mansions by the sea. Often they feature lovely cottages. I love to see what great ideas people have for small spaces. Lovely pictures. Beautiful scenery. Coastal Living Magazine--take me away!
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