Monday, July 29, 2013

Electronic House

Electronic HouseI am a gadget freak and a big fan of consumer electronics of any kind. I also appreciate good high-quality audiovisual entertainment, and watching movies at home is definitely high on my list of entertainment options. With these things in mind "Electronic House" is almost an ideal magazine for me. It consistently features some of the best and most advanced home electronics products, as well as in-depth reports on some very advanced comprehensive home-entertainment setups. Many of the electronic products are very cutting edge, and not likely to be featured even in the most trendy of the technology blogs. That's the good news. The bad news is that those products tend to be way outside most mortals' budget, and are not very likely to end up in your or any of your friends' homes in the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, due to the rapidly evolving technologies and ever-decreasing prices of electronic products one can be reasonably sure that most of the gadgets that are featured in this magazine will eventually find their way to mass markets in some way shape or form.

The product reviews in this magazine are very nicely done, although they tend to be on the flattering side. If you were considering purchasing any of the featured products I would recommend checking out some other online or offline reviews. Amazon reviews in particular (if available) will give you some idea of what the actual experiences of real-life users may be, although even those should be taken with a grain of salt.

One of the nicest features in this magazine are the in-depth articles on various luxury homes that are saturated with the latest audio, video, and home automation features. These homes can be quite impressive, and looking at them could elicit some serious envy. Fortunately, the magazine also features articles on electronically sophisticated homes that are within the reach of most middle class households. At the very least, "Electronic House" will provide you with the idea of what the latest home entertainment trends are. The way I see it, even the most expensive large TV or LCD projector is much less expensive than even the cheapest new car, not to mention those luxury sports cars that are regularly featured in any automotive magazine. If you are going to aspire for a fancy new toy, home electronics is a much more accessible goal.

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