Friday, July 19, 2013

Green Lantern

Green LanternThis past decade has been a good one for Green Lantern, thanks in no small part to the stellar writing of Geoff Johns and his excellent art teams. The return of Hal Jordan and the Corps, the rise of the New Guardians and the menace of the Blackest Night, and now the wrath of the First Lantern. This run has made GL one of DC's most popular characters of the decade, enough so to inspire a motion picture [sorry, America] and an excellent animated series.

First of all I dont know how long that other writer has been reading Comics but I've been a fan going on 40 yrs. This edition of the Green Lantern(and I've seen them all) is a thrilling masterpiece filled with terrific artwork&coloring capped off with a great storyline. As far as that other writers comments on Superman..Always Remember..He(Superman) was the first..and he'll always be the King dude!,any TRUE Comicon ( a personally penned term for a true "Connoisseur" of comics not simply a "Johnny come lately") would know this fact! As a collector of Comics for decades(and like fine wine I'm getting tastier&better as time strolls on..ironic,same as my comic collection.) I can highly reccommend this edition.

Buy Green Lantern Now

First, GL was chosen to be Earth's savior rather than have this role forced on him by his parents. He earned it, and, therefore, deserves to win. Second, GL has no super-powers of his own but must rely on his imagination and creativity to "will" solutions to the challenges he faces. How much imagination does it take to stop a bullet by standing in front of it? I'll tell you how much. It's a lot less than it takes to "will" a giant green flyswatter and command it to smack the bullet to the ground. So GL is clearly smarter than Superman, and would win. Third, GL is associated with the color green, but Superman with the color red, for example, his cape. Green means go. Red means stop. Green is clearly superior to red. For instance, blood is red. But when it stops the result is death. Obviously, not a good thing. Finally, Superman has a great many powers, but what good are they? GL can create a giant green vacuum cleaner floating over New York City that will suck up and away all the tenured school teachers who can't even spell potatoe. It would take years for Superman to set them on fire one at a time with his heat vision, and then I'm sure the AFT would file a grievance against Superman and make him stop before he finished. I know, I've tried. Now, you be the judge. Who would you rather have protecting your planet? And be honest. This is life or death.

Read Best Reviews of Green Lantern Here

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