Wednesday, August 7, 2013


LulaI love Lula! and I will give it a 5 star, if it wasn't $77per year for 2 issues.

This would have been fine, till I saw it sold at magazine stands and book stores for $18 per issue.

I will continue to be a Lula reader but never subscribe. Will be happy to make that trip to the magazine stands for that price.

This magazine is perfect for any girly girl. Each page features GORGEOUS photography incomparable to any other mainstream fashion magazine.

Buy Lula Now

I LOOOOOVE this magazine!!!!!!!!!Every page is filled with something pretty and interesting. you should sooooo get it!!!!!!

Read Best Reviews of Lula Here

I ordered this about five months ago and it has failed to show up. Dissipointing.

Want Lula Discount?

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