Monday, September 16, 2013

Arabian Horse Times

Arabian Horse TimesThe Arabian Horse Times is an all around great read providing me with show information and results, information on top breeders and trainers and information straight from indusrty insiders. The magazine is top-notch, just like the Arabian horse. A must have for Arabian enthusiasts!

Lots of greased, shaved, photoshopped horses. No articles on other disciplines. To be fair, I base this on the free issue I was sent, plus issues I have flipped through of my friends.....who agreed with my assesment. For this reason I have never subscribed to this magazine. It is the show industry who advertises though...sadly understandable.

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Sure do wish they would lighten up on the xbreeds and focus on the Arabian more. This magazine is supposed to be about ARABIANS. NOT SADDLEBREDS.It seems as tho the breeders are trying to make Saddlebreds out of the Arabian, and if they don't want the Arabian then go buy a Saddlebred!!!! It is so sad we have lost the original Arabian,that nothing can replace. Who could ever want anything better? THE BEAUTIFUL ARAB IS THE BEST!!!!! THE ORIGINAL ARAB IS UNEQUALLED.

Read Best Reviews of Arabian Horse Times Here

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