Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fitness Rx For Women

Fitness Rx For WomenI had read through several woman's fitness magazines. Most had too much advertising, not enough articles on health, articles on travel (who cares). Fitness RX had exactly what I wanted they took care of the work for me of having to go to different sources to find health and fitness articles. The models they show on the cover aren't the supermodel skinny ones. Granted, it's only 6 issues, but there's definitely less fluff(advertising) than I'd seen in other magazines.

There's always an article covering a particlular muscle group and exercises you can do. It's great seeing what I've been doing in my weight training is recommended :).

There's a separate magazine published for Men and Women but they're not published at the same time. This explains the 6 issues(every other month). I got my subscription and after my first issue came, I got the men's subscription for my husband he liked what he saw in my issue. It's interesting comparing the articles used between the two(there are some articles used in both, but makes sense if it applies to both men and women).

We both enjoy this magazine and you won't be sorry you got it :)

This magazine is awful.

I just got my 3rd issue and they have been consistent with left page text, right page advertisment.

I am going to let my subscription to this one lapse.

The text is mostly lame "news" on nutrtion or exercise and sometimes you will get contradicting news on the same page. You also get some exericises and nutritional tips but nothing you can't get in Fitness magazine or Oxygen for better value (I am subscribed to both those as well and I don't feel like I am wasting my money every time I get them in the mail). I cut out useful articles and paste them in my own "Health" scrabook. I do that with a lot of articless from Oxygen and Fitness but so far I haven't used a single clipping from Fitness RX.

This magazine needs some serious improvement. I am surprised with all the great reviews here (which is why I subscribed to it in the first place)

My advice don't bother.

Buy Fitness Rx For Women Now

I like Fitness Rx because it gives you a LOT of information between it's pages. Sure it has advertisements, they need them to run the magazine (and make their profit). But unlike other magazines they are not overrun by advertisements with only room enough for one or two articles (which usually are repeats month after month after month).

Fitness Rx Gives you lots of information on a diverse group of fitness topics and has tons of helpful little tidbits strewn throughtout its pages.

Anyone that has even a slight interest in the fitness/nutrition field/area should get a subscription to this magazine (I've found it hard to find on some newstands).

Read Best Reviews of Fitness Rx For Women Here

I've been an "off again/on again" athlete for years and now, at 45 years old, needed this magazine to re-inspire me to get out there and get back in shape! It's format is so easy to read, you can spend 30 seconds or 30 minutes and still feel like you've just hit on something new/different/great! I would highly recommend this magazine...

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But I think it's worth it, for the excellent, scientifically researched information (wow, what a concept!).

I like this magazine much MUCH better than Oxygen or Women's Health. Oxygen has too much fluff, supplement ads that look like articles (Fitness Rx does too, but not half as many as Oxygen), and tries to promote almost-instant results (yeah, right!). Plus some (not all) of the information meh, kinda dubious, if you ask me. I'd rather take advice from scientists than from a publisher / businessman, thanks. If I'm going to spend $5 on a magazine, I'd much rather it go to one with actual scientific data. I think the only other magazine worth subscribing to besides Rx is Prevention (though I like their special issues better than their regular issues).

Yes, you only get 6 issues per year, but with a subscription it's still only 3.49 an issue, which isn't bad at all for what you're getting.

It would be great if they could publish special issues like Prevention and Women's Health does that cover specific topics like health, flat abs, walking, etc.

But still, all in all, it's great to FINALLY find a women's fitness magazine no fluff and ALL substance highly recommended!

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