Sunday, September 15, 2013

Guitar Aficionado (1-year)

Guitar Aficionado"Guitar Aficionado" is an interesting periodical about fine and unusual guitars, and the guitarists who collect, cherish, and play them. It's not exclusively a guitar magazine, as it goes off on tangents largely related to affluent lifestyles (e.g. topics like the world's best coffee, ten cars to covet between $50,000 and $500,000, etc.) which is the reason I docked it a star. Don't get me wrong, I'm interested in the topics at hand, but there are so many interesting guitars and guitarists out there that I'm not sure that more guitar coverage here wouldn't be a better move...of course I am savvy enough to realize that that market is already being addressed by other fine magazines, and "Guitar Aficionado" does need a marketing niche of its own. It is just my personal preference.

Now that I have quibbled, let me say that I really like this magazine. The coverage of the exotic and unique in the guitar world is compelling, and the coverage of artists both past and present is always interesting. It is a striking magazine visually with great illustrations and well-written pieces addressing lesser-known facets of the six-string kingdom. A new issue in the mailbox is like a Christmas present; not only do you not know what's going to be in it, you know you don't know and the anticipation is sometimes palpable.

I like "Guitar Aficionado," and recommend it to people who want a more novel approach to musical journalism.

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