Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sky & Telescope

Sky & TelescopeI've subscribed to this magazine for years even though my main interest is cosmology. Even professional astronomers subscribe so we highly recommend this magazine.

In my opinion, it's the most professionally done popular astronomy magazine, better than "Astronomy" and more focused than "Discovery." S&T has many gorgeous astro-photos, mostly done by pros with fab equipment as well as images from the Hubble. So why does the magazine devote more than half its pages and articles to amateur telescopes and accessories? Because that's what pays the bills! So I've packed up my telescope and left it in the garage, but I still subscribe because every issue has at least one article (feature or news) about science. The monthly star map, cepheid graph, and NEWS make the rapidly increasing subscription price still worth it.

Although I am a bigger fan of Astronomy magazine, I am a loyal subscriber to Sky & Telescope because I enjoy the detailed equipment and product reports, the book reviews, "Sky at a Glance," Event calendars, gallery, featured articles, and news notes. The companion website is awesome as well.

One intriguing section of the magazine always looks back to its past issues reminding readers how far the field of astronomy has come in the last century. This is actually a great context-providing feature that celebrates humanity's on going interest in the universe.

What I have observed--being a subscriber to both Astronomy and Sky & Telescope--is this: each magazine has its own unique personality, and each magazine potentially appeals to a kindred reader personality. Readers who like jazzy, topical, but engaging articles in an easy to thumb through, approachable format and language will enjoy Astronomy. [I am drawn to Astronomy's design and personality.] Readers who like an elegant, more formal format and who want to dig more deeply into astro-science concepts, into scientific data / analysis, or into product information may find Sky & Telescope more satisfying.

For me, subscribing to both magazines completes my astro diet--with all the necessary "food" (topic) groups included: Meal and dessert. It is interesting to see what each magazine emphasizes each month. Each magazine always offers something really cool and thought-provoking.

My best advice is try before you buy: go to a library or local news stand to view the current product of each magazine, and then decide which mag captures your interests, astro skill-level, and / or reader personality the most.

Buy Sky & Telescope Now

I am a retired English Professor and amateur astronomer, and I have subscribed to Sky and Telescope for over 20 years. It is the most professionally produced magazine I have ever read.

Its writing is mature and superbly edited, its photographs are beautifully rendered, its staff continually improves the magazine through better editing and production, and it provides articles on a broad range of subjects: the latest space probes and research; the dating of paintings or historical events by the night sky; Hubble and amateur photographs; meteor showers; what's up in tonight's sky; star maps; calendars of events world-wide; reviews of telescopes, accessories, computer software, and books; and more.

Sky and Telescope is widely read by professional astronomers and is probably bought by more amateurs world-wide than any other astronomy magazine.

If you have never looked through a telescope, if you use a telescope often, or if you have a telescope that you have packed up, this magazine should stimulate you to go out to see the night sky and discover where we live and what we live for.

Read Best Reviews of Sky & Telescope Here

S&T is a very specialized publication, dealing with astronomical observation and photography. If you are considering buying an astronomical telescope, or accessories for one, you'll want to consult this magazine. If you have any interest in photographing the night sky, you'll want to see the Gallery here, which has some truly breathtaking pictures. The magazine includes a star chart for the month, as you might expect. This is a great publication for regular, serious stargazers/photographers. More general-interest astronomy magazines are available.

Want Sky & Telescope Discount?

A magnificent magazine full of breathtaking photos and quality articles. Offers great advice for the hobbyiest. Not only does it keep one abreast of space science I think EVERYONE will find it highly inspirational. The articles that take on more technical topics in astronomy and Cosmology sometimes leave one wanting but those wanting more accurate and detailed information on these topics are guided by the magazine to other sources. The magazine walks a tightrope and more often than not it is successful.


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