Monday, September 23, 2013

Transworld Snowboarding (1-year auto-renewal)

Transworld SnowboardingParents beware of age appropriateness! I purchased a subscription to this magazine for my teenage son as a Christmas present. I'm so glad I previewed it first. I realize that snowboarders have colorful language and a certain culture (I used to be a skateboarder as a kid). However, I would caution parents that this magaine contains some sexually explicit advertisements for snowboard equipment and the interviews and some of the columns contain foul language and explicit references. Everything but the "f" word is in full print and even that you don't have to imagine because only part of it is "x'd" out. Yes, my son is old and wise enough to know the connotations and the language. No one's kid is a saint but that verbage and some of that content isn't acceptable in my household. I actually yanked one of the two page advertisements that was very visually sexual and containted the language to go with it as well (and a website). I have a younger daughter that I didn't want to even see this magazine! Otherwise the magazine is cool and would appeal to all level's of snowboarders. It does contain a lot of advertisement though. I enjoyed the travel articles and seeing the snow from a snowboarder's perspective (except for the trashiness part). It was also nice to read interviews with professional snowboarders who didn't have to trash talk to explain their views. So if you are a parent, I caution you that this is material you will want to check out before giving it to your kid. I almost pulled the subscription but made an agreement that I will preview the magazine and edit as necessary before it enters the house and it cannot be left out around younger kids. I'm interested to see if further editions are like my first eye-opener. We'll see if we continue with it. I'm sure there are people out there that will trash me for my viewpoints on profanity but this time I had to take a stand. You are free to check it out and make your own opinions!

I really like Transworld. They always have great articles, and when I read it, it always gets me pumped up for snowboarding!

Buy Transworld Snowboarding (1-year auto-renewal) Now

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