Monday, December 9, 2013


BitchI've bought four issues of this magazine OTC and will be ordering subscriptions for the women in my family! The perspectives offered on contemporary issues relating to mass media, pop culture, politics, and social/feminist challenges are interesting, intelligent, and written with a bite of humor. In short, it's about as anti-Cosmo as you can find. Buy this for the thinking women in your life and continue the discussions! I have read through every copy I've gotten, cover-to-cover in one sitting it's that interesting. Brain food that is very entertaining!!!

This magazine is very mind opening and has very interesting articles. Unlike a lot of woman's magazines it doesn't contain any bulimic ad and it's content is not about the ads either :D Very good pick if you're for independent publishing too. Also you can get it cheaper by going to the magazine's page and subscribing from there.

Buy Bitch Now

I think I've been reading this magazine since I was 17 or 18 years old, and it never fails to contain a slew of great, well-written, thought-provoking articles. While I'll admit that sometimes one of their articles or short features can be kind of on the radical side of the feminism fence (I'm more of a Marxist feminist than a radical one), it's nice to see that feminist perspectives from all across the spectrum are included. You'd certainly never find these types of essays in a magazine like Cosmo, essays addressing topics such as women in religion, celebrating being single past a certain age, how women are negatively or stereotypically portrayed on television, women who embrace facial hair, and how menstruation is dealt with in various places around the world. They also have regular book and music reviews, rants and raves in the "Love It/Shove It" feature, and where to write to complain about things like female workers being exploited in another country or a tv show (in this case, Dawson's Creek, if I remember correctly) that refused to deal with the little-represented area of abortion within marriage by having some 45 year old woman oh-so-unrealistically keeping a surprise pregnancy when her other kids are almost grown.

A lot of young women today tragically believe that feminism is a bad dirty word and bend over backwards to assure people (particularly guys) that, oh, no, THEY'RE not feminists. A magazine like this should be required reading for such young women. It would not only correct their severe misperceptions, but would also demonstrate, without any preaching necessary, that all things feminist are actually pretty hip, cool, and relevant.

Read Best Reviews of Bitch Here

I got the mag for my daughter at her request. She is enjoying the articles and introduced me to several pieces that she thought I would like. I now share the mag with her.

Want Bitch Discount?

This magazine is available directly from for $19.95 (and free shipping). Amazon scalps readers with their $25 price.

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