Friday, February 21, 2014

Advanced Photoshop

Advanced PhotoshopOne could argue that since it is "Advanced Photoshop", the instructions could be just cursory , but I would argue it is a poor writing. Let's admit it what most people want is to see some inspiring work and the be able to reproduce it using the instructions given. Well, it is almost impossible , the instructions are more like hints rather than step-by-step tutorials. I would stay clear of this magazine if you are a beginner or intermediate photoshop user and if you are advanced, you should be writing in the magazine not subscribing to it, right? 3 stars for some nice photo illustrations.

Just got my first issue! I haven't had the chance to read cover to cover but I did read full articles here and there and skim through the full thing. Here's what I found:


1)Beautiful, beautiful magazine. Very visually pleasing and very nice/clear layout and very high quality printing.

2) Jam packed with info! I was not expecting there to be so much info in this magazine. From tutorials to new features and a FREE disc of resources in this issue? Brilliant!


1) While it's jam packed with info, I feel the content has "holes" so to speak. I'd like a little more detail in the step-by-step tutorials. While I do agree that a lot is left up to the creator in any creative tutorial, I still feel like they could give a little bit more on how they achieved each step. It really is for advanced or intermediate/advanced users....I don't think beginners could get any info out of this easily. I've been using PS for almost 15 years and even I am struggling with some of what they're trying to describe.

2) The font size is TINY. I compared it to some other magazines figuring it was just me but no, noticeably smaller. Probably like an 8-10pt font throughout the mag.

3) Going hand in hand with the font size (and this is the most important issue I have with the magazine), the thumbnails in the tutorials are the point where you can barely see the screen cap of the settings being portrayed. I understand that to pack this much info in this normal sized magazine you have to make some sacrifices..but I don't think the tutorial thumbnails should be one of those sacrifices. I would really like to SEE what they're explaining...but better than no thumbnails at all!

Overall I give it 3.5 and rounded up to 4 simply for the sheer quality of magazine. Very happy with this fist issue (#110) and cant wait to see what the next issue has in store! I do consider it a good investment for PS users...but you at least have to know the program very well to be able to get much out of this. It sure does get the creative gears turning and gives new ideas for new projects. Very happy with it and it's a great addition to my archive.

Buy Advanced Photoshop Now

I can't quite put my finger on why UK magazines are so darn good looking. Every Advanced Photoshop issue contains layout that is exquisite, the content is awe-inspiring. Yes, it is advanced, but there's something there for everyone from intermediate to advanced, sure to stir your creative juices.

Read Best Reviews of Advanced Photoshop Here

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