Friday, February 21, 2014

Progressive Populist

Progressive Populist'The Progressive Populist' delivers 22 issues a year packed with insightful articles from people like Amy Goodman, Jim Hightower, Garrison Keillor, Patrisia Gonzales and Ralph Nader. It provides plenty of space for 'letters to the editor.'

With subscriptions for less than $30, it is a bargain and a good tool for sharing progressive thought with others.

The only thing wrong with THE PROGRESSIVE POPULIST is it publishes 22 times a year instead of weekly. A digest of people's pundits and news unfiltered by the conglomerates that control the majority of American news, THE PROGRESSIVE POPULIST belongs in the information mix of anyone who realizes they can't trust corporate media, where reporting truth is a conflict of interest. As I write this in May, 2011, the latest edition of THE PROGRESSIVE POPULIST includes an article by Alexander Cockburn challenges the hype about the so-called revolution in Libya. Another piece debunks the myth that the United States Postal Service loses money. While a weekly dose of Cockburn, Ralph Nader, Jesse Jackson, Ted Rall, Amy Goodman, Dean Baker and other columnists THE PROGRESSIVE POPULIST carries would be great, reading them 22 times a year beats not at all.

Sure, you may have PROGRESSIVE POPULIST contributors such as Dean Baker showing up in your TRUTHOUT e-mail digest, or maybe you're on Ralph Nader's e-mail list. But in every PROGRESSIVE POPULIST issue I, for one, read several informative pieces I see nowhere else.

THE PROGRESSIVE POPULIST's "Dispatches" section reports news you should have but won't necessarily get from your daily, conglomerate-owned newspaper. I read "Dispatches" first.


Buy Progressive Populist Now

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