Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cruising World (1-year auto-renewal)

Cruising WorldI have subscribed to Cruising World for well over 5 years. It is a wonderful magazine devoted to crusing and for those with the dream to go cruising. If your land-locked but someday want to cruise the ocean blue, subscribe to this magazine, read it cover to cover every month, look at the vibrant pictures and keep the dream alive.

Cruising World Magazine is a monthly publication containing cruising, chartering, sailing and sailboats reviews. The magazine articles covers sailing experience levels from the learner to world cruisers and deal with on board cooking and food, sailing performance, anchorages and anchoring, boat maintenance and boat equipment. There are personal and friendly articles where the author takes you along on their voyage seeing sights, meeting local people, different foods, entertainment and cultures. The magazine is a pleasure to read cover to cover. If you need to see more about the magazine, then go to the free Cruising World web site at

Buy Cruising World (1-year auto-renewal) Now

My husband and I look forward to every issue. This mag caters to every level, from gnarly old sailors to weekend hobbyists. Great stories, not too many ads. We learn something new with every issue.

Read Best Reviews of Cruising World (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I find it an excellent mix of how to DIY repairs and reporting on great crusing destinations.

You should try it.

Want Cruising World (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I used to read and was a regular subscriber to the now defunct Lattitudes and Attitudes magazine. When the owners of L&A made a bad business decision that cost them the loss of L&A, I had to find another boating magazine. This is an outstanding replacement for L&A. In fact, this is a much better magazine than L&A. I wish I had found this one sooner. I would never have subscribed to L&A and lose my money with them due to their stupid way of doing, or should I say not doing business. This is a professional looking and professionally put together magazine. If you enjoy boating or dreaming of boating, this is a great magazine. Soundings is another great boating magazine. I highly recommend both, but if you had to pick just one, I would pick Cruising World.

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