Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Health (1-year auto-renewal)

HealthIn general many health magazines seem to focus on glamour and make you wonder what's wrong with you since you can't be a size 2, work out for 3 hours a day, balance a job, family and whatever else life throws your way. The magazine comes with several articles a month that focus on looking good, exercise plans, diet tips, stress relief, and a few that promote good mental health. I like this because its low key and sensible. This magazine isn't set out to change your life, but enhance what you have and show you a few new ideas.

I received two free trial issues in order to give the magazine a chance before subscribing. Boy, am I glad I didn't subscribe! The magazine is nothing but fluff good only for people who mostly want to flip through and look at pictures not for people who actually want informed articles and reports on health.

Buy Health (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I have subscribed to various magazines for years, and paid pretty prices too, but this modestly priced magazine is one of my favorites. It really has a variety of articles, fact based, no nonsense. I love the exercise part, I teach the yoga type exercises to my satff at work. This puts "self" to shame. Check it out for yourself . I give it as a christmas gift to my friends.

Read Best Reviews of Health (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I picked up a copy of Health at my local grocery store, mostly out of curiosity. I found myself enjoying it enough so that I will be ordering a subscription. Here's why:

1.It encompasses every facet of health, not just diet or exercise. As one reviewer noted, it is broken down into categories: Looks, Living, Moving, Feeling, and Flavor (it was just redone). The articles in each seem to be well-written and are enjoyable. I particularly enjoy the Feeling and Living sections, as they are something that is rarely found in other magazines.

2. Unlike many other magazines, I found myself marking or wanting to mark so many pages to keep or check out further that in ended up being a good part of the magazine. I, like most others, enjoy getting the most for my money.

While everyone has a different idea of what constitutes a "good" magazine, this one will soon be a regular fixture in our house.

Want Health (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I was given HEALTH magazine as a gift, and have enjoyed six months worth at the present time. I'm a 40 something, formerly fit mother who still believes in herself enough to know that someday...I can be 'fit' again. This magazine seems right up my alley. It addresses common health issues with clear, short articles and yet isn't packed with ads so that the articles get lost. Some recipes, some exercises, some discussions, while remaining entertaining too.

You would be wasting your money if you are already fitness oriented and off to the gym to meet your trainer, but if you are in need of an encouraging, helpful, entertaining read that will inspire versus guilt you into getting healthier, this magazine is for you.

Update: 6/24/12

I've been an avid HEALTH reader for years now, and it DID inspire me to get healthier and fitter. Over time I've lost 22 pounds and lots of inches. I'm stronger and more knowledgeable (thanks in part to HEALTH) about health-related issues that are common with my age group. I met and maintained my goals by starting slowly, with realistic goals. Despite being a self-proclaimed 'gym rat' now, I still enjoy HEALTH magazine. HEALTH keeps it 'real' and I like that!

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