Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blitz : Martial Arts Magazine

Blitz : Martial Arts MagazineBlitz magazine hails from Australia and I'd have to say it's the best of it's kind in that market. Then again martial arts magazines isn't exactly a heavily populated genre in Australasia. A nice glossy production that is often eye catching and tends to follow a broad range of styles (heck, I'm sure they've even had a boxer on the cover at one point) the magazine is pretty much par for the course. We get interviews (with lots of name dropping) and reports of various tournaments around Australia (with lots of name dropping) and there are technique studies as well. The latter is perhaps the most timeless aspect of the product and it's good to see a good cross section of styles given an opportunity to shine in relation to specific self defence situations. Lastly there are of course a bunch of adverts which will be of limited use to international readers being as they are aimed at the Australasian market.

Keen martial artists will get quite a bit out of the technique workshop section and maybe some from the interviews but the tournament reports will only interest locals and the name dropping gets irksome after a while. Not an essential purchase though as a young pup I tended to think so...

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