Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hobby Farm Home (1-year auto-renewal)

Hobby Farm HomeI do not live on a farm and I don't have anything larger than a small garden but, this magazine has lots for even me. I use this to come up with ideas for projects to do with my kids. Some the old ways of cooking, canning, and just living are being lost to our children. This magazine brings the older ways back. The kids love the idea of making paper this fall. I have learned how to make wine and an old fashioned German dinner as well as how to make a bird bath that looks like a leaf. This magazine really is wonderful for everyone.

I just received my first issue and was very pleased with it. The photography is wonderful and the magazine is filled with substance, not ads, like so many magazines are. Although I do not own a farm (or even that much land!) it is easy to appreciate the articles as they range from recipes for edible flowers, different types of artisan honey, and reusing items you already have to become better organized.

Buy Hobby Farm Home (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I love this magazine. It has something for everyone living in the country, and even those that don't. The articles are a good length and they vary, so you can choose what you have time for. The photos are beautiful and inspiring. I wouldn't change a thing. Just don't get too anxious after you order...it said I wouldn't be receiving the subscription for a few months, so I bought the latest copy, only to have it arrive in the mail a week later.

Read Best Reviews of Hobby Farm Home (1-year auto-renewal) Here

great tips for small agreage farmer/rancher. includes information on gardens, animals, equipment purchase and repair, and cooking (what to do with all the produce the garden grows).

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I received my first issue and really enjoyed reading it. It is a great balance of beautiful rural lifestyle photography as well as informative articles with information that is useful for building a sustainable lifestyle even in a suburban area. I will definitely re-subscribe when the time comes.

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