Friday, May 30, 2014

Bicycle Times

Bicycle TimesMost bicycle magazines seem to be only for racers, bike geeks, or people who have $5000 to spend on a bike. This magazine is for people who just ride bikes. There are plenty of bikes reviewed in this magazine that cost less than $1000. Sometimes the stories are kind of dorky, and some of the people are kind of geeky, and whenever anything political is discussed, it is obvious that the publisher has a liberal lean; but as a conservative myself, that doesn't really bother me and this is the only bicycle magazine I buy any longer. All the other magazines have seemed to forgotten that not everyone is interested in racing or wearing funny-looking bicycle clothes when they ride or spending a fortune on a bicycle. This magazine is more in tune to those who just want a decent, affordable bicycle to ride to work or to go pick up some groceries, or to just have a little fun with. The magazine also covers cargo bikes, single speed bikes, fold-able bikes, and other bikes that most other magazines ignore. And because of that, this magazine is just more interesting to me because it does not have such a narrow focus of what bicycling is all about.

Like all magazines, some issues are better than others, so read a few to see if you like it. I have had some issues that I would rate as not very good, but others that are great, and most that are really pretty good. So overall, I consider this a magazine I am willing to buy a subscription to.

Great stories, pictures, and voice for cycling advocacy. Gets into touring, and commuting, covers bicycling for those of us who aren't into spandex.

Buy Bicycle Times Now

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