Sunday, May 4, 2014

USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 10 Week Subscription

USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 10 Week SubscriptionThe subscription thru Amazon is fine, but USAToday has altered their format. I can live with the smaller size, but the type is so small I need a magnifying glass to read it! I know print newspapers are losing business to the internet, but these changes are not in the best interest of their customers. I hope they re-think these changes and go back to the old format

The USA Today is a great newspaper for those who do not have a lot of time to read long articles. It gives you an update of what is happening around the USA and world. It's a fine newspaper that meets my needs.

Buy USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 10 Week Subscription Now

What were they thinking? Is this the new COKE? The new look is virtually un-readable because:

1. The paper is thinner, so thin I'm afraid it will self destruct in 10 secons.

2. The font is so much smaller that it is AN EFFORT TO READ IT.

3. The reduced ink content is laughable. Have you seen the weather map? It almost fades into the horizon. No impact whatsoever.

4. The organization of articles, once a strength is now a jumbled mess.

5. The LIFE section is so ingrained with meaningless pop culture articles, geared to 16 year olds, anyone over the age of 30 pages through that section in, oh, let's say 10 seconds before they give up.

They are beggin us to read the paper on line, where unfortunately for them, we have better national choices (NYT, WST)and regional choices.

I hope this paper dies a quick death.

Read Best Reviews of USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 10 Week Subscription Here

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