Sunday, June 22, 2014

911 & Porsche World

911 & Porsche WorldI consider 911 & Porsche World the best of the three British Porsche-centric publications I get each month. Always informative and fulled with fascinating stories and anedotes that sometimes is hard to find in a typical U.S. publication, 911 & Porsche World's perspective on All Things Porsche is one of the highlights of all the automotive monthlies I subscribe to or pick-up at the local newsstand. Of which leads me to my chief gripe with Amazon's offer.

If you have a Barnes & Noble store easily accessible, you will find that 911 & Porsche World currently sells for $6.99 an issue. While it would require you to go down to B&N each month, that works out to be just under $84 a year. To have a year's worth of this excellent magazine shipped direct to you, a subscriber will pay a $26 (plus change) PREMIUM for the service, which runs counter to the usual magazine discount subscription rates we normally find in the U.S. (since the bulk of the income in most American magazines is advertising-driven). Plus, you have to still deal with the wonders of our glorious United States Postal Service, which try as hard as they do to do otherwise, still seem to mangle, shred, soak, and lose an occasional subscription monthly of mine every so often. Some service to look forward to, even for an enjoyable mag such as this.

Still, if a Barnes & Noble, Border's Books, or other local bookseller who stocks import specialty publications isn't available to you, 911 & Porsche World is still a very worthwhile magazine for any fan of that special automaker hailing from Zuffenhausen. But personally, for me there's nothing better than picking up my monthly issues of 911 & Porsche World in person and going next door to the coffee bistro for a quiet weekend afternoon of drowning in a perfect cup of java and reveling in even more potent Porsche nirvana, UK-style.

Five stars for 911 & Porsche World, three (barely) for the subscription price.

The Brits have a way of doing things that make us colonialists seem rather drab. My mechanic invited me to view this magazine, and I have been hooked since. Not only are the technical reviews quality, but you also have the opportunity to follow the joys, trials, and tribulations of actual owners as they drive and fuss over their Porsches. There are articles on racing, ralleys, clubs, and the cars themselves that are both practical, entertaining, and even inspiring. It reinvigorates the interest and joy in ownership that makes plunking down another thousand dollars for tires or repairs less than tiresome.

Buy 911 & Porsche World Now

I routinely pick up this magazine at the newsstand. It is less expensive there. I have no idea why Amazon pricing would be higher. It is, however, very difficult to find. I have only found it at one location.

That said, it is a wonderful magazine, which despite its title, focuses on much more than just 911's.

It is a UK published magazine which requires some translation (at least with respect to dollars and cents) It also has articles that would have no application here (i.e. how to convert from left to right hand drive). However the core of the magazine crosses all borders.

There is a monthly update of the employee's cars. There is a monthly test of available used cars and there is a good tech section. All this in addition to the more or less standard reviews.

I would say it is more "homey" than some of the other magazines. In many ways that makes it easier to relate.

Read Best Reviews of 911 & Porsche World Here

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